Page 315 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 315

Male reproductive system (organa genitalia masculina)   297

                     Until it is joined by the ductus deferens, the urethra  ernosum or vasculare). The extent of the vascular stratum  exclusively carries urine (pars praeprostatica). Beyond this  varies considerably. In the penile urethra it becomes mark-
                  point, it assumes the additional function of transporting  edly enlarged, forming the corpus spongiosum penis. The
                                                                 innermost cavernous spaces are small, becoming larger
                     The urethra is a musculomembranous tube (Figures  towards the periphery. The caverns are particularly promi-
                  13.32 to 13.34). Longitudinal mucosal folds are evident  nent in the stallion.
                  throughout its length. These are lost during ejaculation   The tunica muscularis begins at the neck of the bladder
                  and urination. Most of the urethra is lined with transi-  as a three-layered muscular mantle. It continues as striated
                  tional epithelium. Isolated regions of simple stratified  muscle (outer and inner layer of the m. urethralis). The
                  columnar epithelium may be present. Near the glans penis  circularly oriented fibres form a complete layer in the stal-
                  or processus urethrae the mucosal lining transforms into  lion, carnivore and billy goat. In the bull, boar and ram
                  stratified squamous epithelium.                the dorsal component of this layer is missing. The tunica
                     In the pelvic urethra, the lamina propria is composed  muscularis is surrounded by a tunica adventitia which
                  of fibro-elastic tissue containing smooth muscle cells and,  radiates into the capsule of the penis.
                  in some cases, lymphocytic infiltrates. Mucous tubular
                  glands (glandulae urethrales) are present in the stallion  Penis
                  and tomcat. At the end of the pelvic portion, the lamina  The penis consists of the body (corpus penis) with its
                  propria contains numerous thin-walled veins (caverns)  paired erectile bodies (corpora cavernosa penis), and the
                  that form a subepithelial vascular stratum (stratum cav-  urethra and its associated unpaired erectile tissue (corpus

                  13.32  Cross-section of penis at the level of the glans (dog). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x7).

                  13.33  Cross-section of penis (stallion). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x5).

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