Page 406 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 406

388  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  Peripheral nervous system                                                (pars peripherica, systema nervosum
                                                                  The peripheral nervous system is composed primarily
                                                                  of nerve fibres and their associated ganglia. Anatomically,
                                                                  its two components – the somatic (cerebrospinal) and
                                                                  autonomic (visceral) nervous systems – are closely associ-
                                                                  ated within nerve fibre bundles. In functional terms, the
                                                                  somatic nerve fibres are designated as sensory or motor.
                                                                  Autonomic nerve fibres are classified as sympathetic or
                                                                     With the exception of the cranial nerves, peripheral
                                                                  nerve fibres have a segmental embryonic precursor and are
                                                                  connected with the spinal cord via dorsal and ventral roots.
                                                                  Efferent motor and autonomic fibres leave the spinal cord
                                                                  through the ventral root to act upon target organs in the
                                                                  periphery. Peripheral nerve fibres convey nerve impulses to
                                                                  the central nervous system via afferent (sensory) pathways.
                                                                  These fibres pass into the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
                                                                  (see Veterinary Anatomy of  Domestic Animals: Textbook and
                                                                  Colour Atlas).
                                                                     At specific locations within the peripheral nervous sys-
                                                                  tem, clusters of nerve cell bodies (perikarya) form localised
                                                                  thickenings. Outside the central nervous system, such
                                                                  accumulations of neuronal cell bodies are referred to as
                                                                  ganglia. Ganglia are surrounded by a connective tissue
                   17.11  External granular layer of the cerebrum (cat).
                   Silver impregnation (x250).                    capsule that continues as the epi- and perineurium of the
                                                                  associated nerve. Reflecting the functional divisions of the
                                                                  peripheral nervous system, there are two types of ganglia:
                   mid-sized pyramidal cells (neurona pyramidalia media) are
                   also found in this layer.                        ·  sensory ganglia (spinal ganglia and cranial nerve
                      The neurons of the multiform layer are polymorphic   ganglia) and
                   and blend without obvious demarcation with the white   ·  autonomic ganglia (ganglia autonomica, vegetative
                   matter. This inner region contains many fibres passing to   ganglia).
                   and from the cortex.
                      In domestic mammals, the layers of the cerebral cor-  Sensory ganglia
                   tex are not always clearly distinguishable. Particularly the  Paired spinal ganglia (ganglia spinalia) reside in the dorsal
                   inner layers are frequently merged into one.   roots of the spinal nerves, corresponding with the seg-
                                                                  ments of the spinal cord.
                   Cerebral white matter                             Spinal ganglia are composed mainly of  pseudo-
                   (corpus medullare cerebri)                     unipolar neurons (neurona pseudounipolaria) that act as
                   The size of the brain is influenced considerably by the  relay points within sensory pathways (Figure 17.12).
                   cerebral white matter. The greater the degree of devel-  The perikaryon of the pseudo-unipolar neuron is sur-
                   opment of the cerebrum, the more developed the white  rounded by satellite cells (amphicytes, gliocyti ganglii)
                   matter relative to the cerebral cortex. As with the spinal  that serve as neuroglia. Within a short distance of the
                   cord, the white matter of the cerebrum is composed of  neuronal soma, the common process extending from
                   nerve fibres and glial cells. Oligodendrocytes form the  the nerve cell divides into a central branch, that passes into
                   myelin sheaths; astrocytes (protoplasmic, fibrous) pro-  the dorsal horn as the axonal component, and a peripheral
                   vide mechanical and metabolic support for the neurons.  branch that serves as the dendritic portion of the neuron.
                   Association, commissural and projection fibres within the   Embryonically, pseudo-unipolar neurons develop as
                   white matter cannot be distinguished with the light micro-  bipolar cells with a separate axon and dendrite. These cell
                   scope (refer to Veterinary Anatomy of  Domestic Animals:  processes migrate to one side of the cell and fuse, giving
                   Textbook and Colour Atlas).                    rise to a common origin and two branches. While the
                                                                  peripheral branch exhibits dendritic terminal branching,

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