Page 401 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 401

Nervous system (systema nervosum)   383

                  17.2  Lumbar region of the spinal cord in the cat (schematic).

                     The multipolar cells of the grey matter can be divided
                  into two groups: cells with axons that leave the spinal cord   ·  interneurons that transmit impulses within spinal
                  via the ventral horn (fila radicularia) and form the ventral   segments,
                  root (efferent neurons), and cells that communicate with   ·  interneurons that cross the commissura grisea to the
                  other neurons within the central nervous system (spinal   corresponding contralateral segment,
                  interneurons and projection neurons).            ·  interneurons that divide into ascending and descend-
                     Efferent neurons may be somatic (from the ventral   ing branches, acting ipsilaterally or contralaterally
                  horn) or autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic).  upon efferent cells and
                     Interneurons and projection neurons are numerous in   ·  projection neurons that send axons into the white
                  the dorsal horn and lateral intermediate substance. These   matter and transmit impulses over long distances (as
                  can be subdivided as follows:                      far as the brain).

                  17.3  Transverse section of the spinal cord (sheep). Bodian stain (x8).

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