Page 398 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 398

380  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                      Lying within the centre of the cochlea, the coch-   sacculus, ending blindly between the meninges within   lear duct is framed by rostral and caudal cartilaginous
                     the cranial cavity.
                                                                    ledges. This arrangement gives rise to two channels, the
                       The utriculus gives rise to the semicircular ducts,
                     each bearing an expanded ampulla at one end.
                                                                    scala communicate at the apex of the cochlea via the
                     Considerably smaller in diameter than the semicircular   narrow scala vestibuli and the scala tympani. The two
                     canals in which they lie, the semicircular ducts occupy   apical interscalar canal (canalis interscalaris apicalis),
                     a slightly eccentric position within the canals. These   the equivalent of the helicotrema in mammals.
                     are attached to the periosteum of the canals by delicate   The cochlear duct is separated from the scala ves-
                     fibres that pass through the perilymph.        tibuli by the thick, folded tegmentum vasculosum.
                       The sensory cells of the vestibular apparatus form   The basilar membrane (membrana basilaris) sepa-
                     the cristae ampullares (within the ampullae), the mac-  rates the cochlear duct from the scala tympani. Resting
                     ula utriculi and crista neglecta (within the utriculus),   upon the basilar membrane, the papilla basilaris car-
                     and the macula sacculi in the sacculus. The hair cells of   ries the sensory cells of the cochlea. These cells have
                     the macula utriculi and the macula sacculi are in contact   stereocilia that are anchored in an overlying gelatinous
                     with statoconia. In contrast, the cristae ampullares and   layer, the tectorial membrane (membrana tectoria).
                     the crista neglecta are covered in a dome-shaped mem-  Bipolar neurons of the cochlear ganglion form a deli-
                     brane devoid of statoconia. Movement of endolymph,   cate network of nerve fibres at the base of the sensory
                     induced by inertia, stimulates the hair cells, which are   cells.
                     connected with fibres of the vestibular ganglion and   A further group of sensory cells is located within
                     the vestibular nerve.                          the lagena, forming the macula lagenae. Sensory hairs
                       The tubular  cochlear duct  (ductus cochlearis)   projecting from these cells are in contact with otoconia.
                     emerges ventrally from the sacculus. In the chicken it   The function of the macula lagenae has not been estab-
                     measures approximately 6 mm in length. Its blind end,   lished. Auditory sensitivity in birds is greatest between
                     the lagena, reaches the tip of the cochlea (Figure 16.45).  1000 and 6000 Hz.

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