Page 400 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 400

382  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   interspersed between cell bodies consists of cellular  dorsalis) is present at the level of the dorsal nerve roots  processes of neurons and glial cells and is referred to as  (radices dorsales) of the spinal nerves. A considerably
                                                                  shallower depression is evident at the ventral nerve roots
                      The marginal layer constitutes the fibre-rich  white  (radices ventrales).
                   matter, consisting predominantly of myelinated nerve
                   processes. Neuroglia of the white matter include oligo-  Grey matter (substantia grisea)
                   dendrocytes, fibrous astrocytes and microglia. The lighter  In transverse section, the grey matter exhibits an ‘H-shaped’
                   colour of the white matter is attributable to the myelin  profile formed by relatively narrow dorsal horns (cornu
                   sheaths (formed by oligodendrocytes) surrounding the  dorsale) and typically larger ventral horns (cornu ventrale)
                   nerve processes.                               (Figures 17.3 and 17.4). The horns are connected by the
                                                                  lateral intermediate substance (pars intermedia lateralis).
                   Spinal cord (medulla spinalis)                 In the thoracolumbar region, the lateral intermediate sub-
                   The characteristic ‘H-shape’ of the grey matter (substan-  stance protrudes into the white matter as the lateral horn
                   tia grisea) is appreciable macroscopically in cross-section  (cornu lateralis). In the cervical spinal cord, an additional
                   of the spinal cord. Passing through the centre of the grey  cellular network, the spinal reticular formation (formatio
                   matter is the central canal (canalis centralis), the remnant  reticularis), is present between the dorsal and ventral horns.
                   of the lumen of the embryonic neural tube. The white   The two symmetrical halves of the grey matter of the
                   matter (substantia alba) surrounds the grey matter, giving  spinal cord are connected by a thin bridge (commissura gri-
                   the spinal cord its external shape (Figures 17.2 and 17.3).  sea). The commissure encloses the central canal (canalis
                      The spinal  cord  is permeated by a dense capillary  centralis) (Figure 17.5), which is lined by ependymal cells
                   network, accompanied by loose connective tissue. This  (see Chapter 5, ‘Nervous tissue’). Surrounding the central
                   microvasculature results in fine segmentation of the nerv-  canal is a ring of tissue, the central intermediate sub-
                   ous tissue. Highly vascular connective tissue sheaths, the  stance, composed of neurons and glial cells.
                   meninges, surround the spinal cord.               When regarded in three dimensions, the dorsal, ventral
                      The segments of the spinal cord (cervical, thoracic,  and lateral horns form columns of tissue – the dorsal col-
                   lumbar, sacral) exhibit species-specific variation in the ratio  umn (cornu dorsale), lateral column (cornu laterale) and
                   of grey to white matter and in cross-sectional area (and  ventral column (cornu ventrale).
                   thus in volume).                                  The grey matter is composed predominantly of
                      Despite these regional differences, the basic structure  multipolar neurons and glial cells (astrocytes). Neuron
                   of the spinal cord is relatively consistent (Figure 17.2).  size, number and morphology varies with location in the
                      The  spinal  cord  is  a bilaterally  symmetrical  organ,  different segments of the spinal cord. Unmyelinated axons
                   divided by a deep ventral median fissure (fissura mediana  and dendrites (neurofibrae nonmyelinata) and astrocyte
                   ventralis) and a shallow dorsal sulcus (sulcus medianus  processes form a dense nervous tissue meshwork (neu-
                   dorsalis). The latter continues into the tissue of the spinal  ropil). The overarching purpose of the neurons of the
                   cord as the dorsal median septum (septum medianum  grey substance is to establish a synaptic interconnection
                   dorsale). A bilateral dorsolateral sulcus (sulcus lateralis  between afferent and efferent neuronal pathways.

                     Choroid plexus of 4th                                                          Interthalamic
                         Medulla spinalis                                                           Olfactory
                       Medulla oblongata
                   17.1  Brain of a horse (median section; schematic) (König & Liebich, 2009).

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