Page 397 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 397

Receptors and sense organs (organa sensuum)   379

                                                                  Species variation                                                 Birds: As in mammals, the inner ear consists of the

                                                                   osseous labyrinth and, within it, the membranous
                                                                   labyrinth. The space between the membranous and
                                                                   osseous labyrinth is filled with perilymph, while the
                                                                   membranous labyrinth contains the somewhat viscous
                                                                     The  osseous labyrinth  (labyrinthus osseus) is
                                                                   comprised of the central vestibule (vestibulum), the
                                                                   ventrally positioned osseous  cochlea and the cau-
                                                                   dodorsally projecting  semicircular canals  (canales
                                                                   semicirculares ossei). The avian cochlea is shaped like
                                                                   a blunt, slightly medially concave and rostrally convex
                  16.44  Scanning electron micrograph of stereocilia on
                  the surface of hair cells in the spiral organ (courtesy   club. The semicircular canals are arranged perpendicu-
                  of S. Breit).                                    lar to one another. Based on their plane of orientation,
                                                                   they are termed the rostral vertical (anterior), cau-
                                                                   dal vertical (posterior) and lateral horizontal (lateral)
                  and eventually merge with the stria vascularis. At the inter-  canals. An ampulla is located at one end of each canal.
                  nal spiral sulcus, the inner phalangeal cells are continuous   The membranous labyrinth (labyrinthus mem-
                  with the spiral limbus.                          branaceus) is an extensively partitioned replica of
                     Sensory cells (hair cells) are arranged in a single inner   the osseous labyrinth. It is surrounded by perilymph
                  and several outer rows. The base of these elongated   and filled with endolymph. The central section of the
                  cylindrical receptor cells synapses with an afferent nerve   membranous labyrinth contains the larger, dorsally
                  fibre (outer hair cells) or with several afferent and effer-  positioned tubular utriculus, as well as the smaller,
                  ent fibres (inner hair cells). Up to 100 stereocilia (sensory   ventrally situated sacculus. A small tube, the ductus
                  hairs) project from the sensory cells between the spaces of   utriculosaccularis, connects the two chambers. The
                  the reticular lamina (Figure 16.44). The longest of these   narrow ductus endolymphaticus projects from the
                  contact the tectorial membrane.

                  16.45  Inner ear (chicken; schematic; adapted from Evans, 1982).

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