Page 68 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 68

50  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   2.24  Differentiation of an exocrine extra-epithelial tubular gland and various types of endocrine glands from
                   an ectodermal anlage (schematic).

                   Endocrine glands (glandulae endocrinae)        fuse through the plasmalemma to reach receptors located
                   The cells of endocrine glands are typically surrounded  within the cytoplasm. Thereupon, the hormones are able
                   by a dense capillary network. The glandular secretions,  to influence cellular metabolism. Examples of endocrine
                   known as hormones, are released into the surrounding  glands include the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands.
                   connective tissue from which they are typically taken up   In certain epithelia, hormonal secretions do not pass
                   through the wall of a capillary and transported by the  into the circulatory system. Instead, after diffusing into the
                   bloodstream to their target organ. There, they either bind  extracellular compartment, they exert their effect directly
                   to specific receptors on the target cell membrane or dif-  on surrounding cells (tissue hormones e.g. neurotensin,

                                                                                     Site of hormone action
                          Paracrine secretion                                        located immediately
                                                                                     adjacent to site of
                                                                                     hormone synthesis,e. g.
                                                                                     neighbouring epithelial
                                                                                     cells, smooth muscle
                                                                                     cells or vessels

                   2.25  Endocrine and paracrine modes of cellular communication (schematic).

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