Page 70 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 70

52  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   2.28  Large intestine (dog). In cross-section, the cells of exocrine tubular glands form a ring around a central
                   lumen into which the secretory product is deposited. Goblet cells within the epithelium stain lightly with
                   haematoxylin and eosin. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x100).

                   2.29  Columnar epithelial cell in the small intestine of   2.30  Goblet cell (schematic).
                   a dog (schematic).

                   With the use of mucin special stains (PAS, mucicarmine),  glands consisting of a (usually) single secretory unit and a
                   these granules selectively stain bright red–magenta. The  single unbranched or minimally branched duct are termed
                   secretory product is released by exocytosis.   simple glands (e.g. sweat glands).
                      Multicellular intra-epithelial exocrine glands  are   Those in which multiple secretory units are connected
                   found in the pseudostratified epithelium of the airways of  to the surface by a highly branched system of ducts are
                   birds.                                         referred to as compound glands.
                                                                     The following criteria for categorising types of glands
                   EXTRA-EPITHELIAL GLANDS (GLANDULAE             are discussed in more detail below:
                   Extra-epithelial glands are located in the connec-  •  shape of the secretory unit,
                   tive tissue underlying the epithelium. They are always   •  structure of the duct system,
                   multicellular. Their secretions are produced in  secre-  •  mode of secretion and
                   tory units  (secretory end pieces)  and are conveyed   •  chemical composition of the secretory product.
                   to the surface of the epithelium by ducts. Exocrine

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