Page 324 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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296  12  Training Animals so They Can Return to the Wild

                                                      These examples show that it is possible to  their native geographic range (Griffin et al.   train predator‐naive animals to identify
            2000), which has contributed to the poor
            success rate of reintroductions involving
                                                     encounter  multiple  predators  in  the  wild,
            such animals (Fischer and Lindenmayer      single predators. However, most animals
            2000; Jule et  al. 2008). To overcome this   which  raises  an  important  question  for
            problem, there has been a renewed interest     conservation biologists: how can we train
            in training  captive reared or wild animals to   predator‐naive animals to avoid or respond
            recognise predators prior to reintroducing   appropriately to multiple predators? The
            them to the wild (McLean et  al. 2000;   phenomenon known as ‘generalisation of
            Blumstein  et  al.  2002;  Crane  and Mathis   learned  predator recognition’ provides a
            2011;  Gaudioso  et  al.  2011;  Teixeira and   potential serendipitous solution to this
            Young 2014).                             problem (Ferrari et al. 2007, 2008). Several
              Numerous studies have demonstrated that   studies have demonstrated that when pred-
            predator‐naive fish, birds, and mammals can   ator‐naive prey encounter a  dangerous
            be trained to recognise predators as danger-  predator  paired  with  an  aversive  stimulus,
            ous by pairing the sight or smell of the   the prey  subsequently generalise their anti-
              predator (the conditioned stimulus) with a   predator response not only to the dangerous
            frightening stimulus or conspecific alarm   predator, but also, to ecologically similar
            call (the unconditioned stimulus). For exam-  predators (Ferrari et  al. 2007, 2008). For
            ple, in a pioneering study, Ian McLean and   example, the tammar wallabies that Andrea
            colleagues trained wild New Zealand robins   Griffin and colleagues trained to avoid the
            (Petroica australis) to respond fearfully to   model fox subsequently generalised their
            invasive ferrets. The researchers located   antipredator behaviours in the presence of a
            wild female robins with chicks, and simu-  model cat, but not in the presence of a non‐
            lated an attack from a stuffed ferret by mov-  threatening herbivore, a stuffed goat (Griffin
            ing it on a string in the presence of a stuffed   et al. 2001). Likewise, fathead minnows that
            robin in an aggressive posture paired with   were trained to recognise the odour of lake
            robin alarm and distress calls. After the   trout as a predator (by pairing the odour of
            training, robins reacted fearfully to the pred-  lake trout with minnow skin extracts) sub-
            ator (McLean et al. 1999). In another study,   sequently generalised their antipredator
            Andrea Griffin and colleagues trained pred-  responses to odours of brook trout and rain-
            ator‐naive  tammar  wallabies  (Macropus   bow  trout, but not  to  odours of  the more
            eugenii) to associate the sight of a model fox   distantly related pike  (Ferrari et  al. 2007).
            (a taxidermic mount) on a trolley with an   The key concept here is that prey often per-
            aversive stimulus (a hooded human chasing   ceive ecologically similar predator species
            the wallaby with a net). After one or two tri-  (i.e. species that share similar visual or
            als, the wallabies learnt to associate the   chemical cues) as dangerous  (Blumstein
            model fox with danger (Griffin et al. 2001). It   2006). For example, prey may show similar
            is also possible to train fish to avoid preda-  antipredator responses to  raptors that share
            tors. Many fish possess chemicals in the epi-  the same silhouettes, or venomous snakes
            dermis (alarm chemicals) that are released   from the same family that share similar
            after attacks by predators, and these chemi-  chemical cues (Webb et al. 2009). As long as
            cals elicit dramatic antipredator responses   we  use suitable  predator  cues during  the
            by prey when they are detected (Chivers and   training trials, then predator‐ naive prey are
            Smith 1998). Thus, predator‐naive fish can   likely to extend their predator recognition
            learn to identify novel predators as danger-  to multiple predators.
            ous when the sight or smell of the predator is   Before embarking on predator training, it
            paired with the odour of injured conspecif-  is important to identify the key predators
            ics (Wisenden 2003).                     that are responsible for causing mortality of
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