Page 343 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 343

13.5  Establishing Safety Policies, Protocols, and Work Rules  315

             Figure 13.2  Tools utilised for animal training. Source: Chicago Zoological Society.

                alternatives. Ultimately, the right system is     stories over a beer should be a thing of the
                the one that can be mastered and is effec-  past. These incidents should not be con-
                tive at facilitating the behaviour change you   sidered badges of courage but evidence of
                desire whilst remaining safe and not com-  mistakes to be learned from and avoided.
                promising the welfare of the animals.    Professionalism  is  a  matter  of  attitude,
                                                         and safety should be paramount above all
             D)  Emotional and physical condition        else. Safety is no accident and is the result
                Your emotional and physical condition    of preparation and conscious effort. To be
                can affect your perception of the environ-  safe, one must always think and act safely.
                ment. Heightened emotional states, men-    Understanding and maintaining situa-
                tal illness, and medical and physical    tional awareness provides insight on how
                ailments that cause discomfort  and/or   our minds perceive and process informa-
                require medication can negatively affect a   tion, that can help zoo professionals make
                zoo professional’s ability to maintain situ-  safe decisions. Having this knowledge
                ational awareness. Although it might not   can  also  help  inform  the  development
                be apparent, safety can be compromised   and implementation of more fundamen-
                if these conditions cloud or distort the   tal and practical aspects required to train
                zoo professional’s ability to accurately   zoo animals safely.
                perceive events or conditions in the train-
                ing setting. Good judgement and restraint
                must be used to know when you are unfit   13.5   Establishing Safety Policies,
                to train. Know when to say ‘no’ to training   Protocols, and Work Rules
                and err on the side of caution, as missing
                a session will unlikely negatively affect   The establishment of safety policies, proto-
                the animal’s learning.
                                                      cols, and work rules is a critical process
             E)  Personal attitude                    in any business. Developing and maintaining
                The days of showing off one’s scars from   a culture of safety at your zoo must be a pri-
                animals and sharing these harrowing   ority. The expectations must be clear, both
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