Page 344 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 344

316  13  Last but in Fact Most Importantly … Health and Safety  verbally and in writing. As important as it is  Safety Policy Statement
                                                     An effective way to communicate your zoo’s
            for the zoo to train and orient its employees,
                                                     overall safety policy is to develop a Safety
            unless the information provided is written
            into  policies  and  rules,  the  zoo  could  be   Policy  Statement  that  includes  the  elements
            exposed to legal battles, misunderstandings,   that are core to your zoo’s focus on staff health
            and loopholes. These policies may be based   and safety. The Safety Policy Statement is typi-
            on an understanding that has evolved after   cally the introductory statement in a written
            working together for a period of time,  but   safety policy, and should reflect the impor-
            they are much easier to enforce if they are in   tance of injury prevention. Reviewing your
            writing. Such policies  and rules,  if written   Safety Policy Statement with potential job
            properly, protect the zoo and its employees   applicants will set expectations and help them
            and provide the company with the flexibility   determine if they would be a good fit for the
            to manage its business needs.            organisation. An example might be as follows:
              Creating a safe and healthy work environ-
            ment is not only a requirement for most    At Marwood Zoo, we care about the safety,
            employers around the world; it is also a ‘best   health, and well‐being of our employees.
            practice’ amongst top performing busi-     We value each and every contribution that
            nesses. Great businesses know how to get   our employees make towards our success.
            their work done effectively, efficiently, and   Our mission is to promote the conserva-
            safely. Formalising a zoo’s expectations,   tion of wildlife, nature, and we value hon-
            including step‐by‐step instructions for job   esty, integrity, and teamwork.
            tasks, is a very effective way to emphasise to   We Value Our Employees
            employees that it is as serious about their   Our zoo operates with a goal of zero
            health and safety as it is about animal care,   harm to people, animals, and property. It
            habitat quality, financial stability, and cus-  is our policy to provide safe working con-
            tomer service. The following sections can   ditions. At Marwood Zoo, everyone
            provide you with some practical informa-   shares equally in the responsibility of
            tion and examples to help you assess,      identifying hazards, following safety
            update, or create your zoo’s safety policies,   rules, and operating practices. All jobs
            procedures,  and  rules  for  animal  training   and tasks must be performed in a safe
            and in general.
                                                       manner, as safety is crucial to the quality
                                                       of our business aims.
            13.5.1  Safety Policies
                                                       Safety Policy
            Safety policies cover broad topics and can   At Marwood Zoo, no phase of the opera-
            communicate a zoo’s philosophy and more    tion is considered more important than
            generally, best practice to their staff. Safety   accident  prevention. It  is our  policy  to
            policies should be written as guidelines for   provide and maintain safe working con-
            reference and discussed with employees     ditions and to follow operating practices
            upon appointment and during orientation/   that will safeguard all employees. No job
            induction. They provide both the organisa-  will be considered properly completed
            tion’s vision and should inspire the       unless it is performed in a safe manner.
            employee by highlighting what is believed,   Marwood  Zoo  is  concerned  about  the
            valued, and expected within the organisa-  health and good work habits of its
            tion. Issues and topics that may be included   employees. In the event you are injured
            are safety policy statement, employee      or unable to perform your job, we want
            responsibility and accountability, hazard   to help you obtain the best treatment, so
            assessment and correction, and the disci-  you can return to your regular job as
            pline policy.                              soon as possible.
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