Page 348 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 348

320  13  Last but in Fact Most Importantly … Health and Safety  Table 13.1  (Continued)

                        Specific training
             Region     legislation/guidelines  Details
             Colombia   No specific legislation   However:
                        related to training   ●   Law 1333 (2009) refers to environmental
                        animals or zoos       procedures – includes protocols regarding the destiny of
                                              animals according to their conditions (quarantine, medical,
                                              rehabilitation, release, or relocation to zoos).
                                            ●   Law 1774 (2016) Law of Animal Protection and Welfare is
                                              used to support cases of neglect, etc.
             Europe     EAZA Guidelines on the   Guidelines developed to provide EAZA (European Association
                        use of animals in public   of Zoos and Aquaria) members with information on how to
                        demonstrations 2018  ensure best practice and includes aspects such as behaviour
                                            demonstrations, human–animal interactions, animal health,
                                            housing, and animal selection.
                        EU Zoo Directive    Good practice guidelines outline:
                                            ●   Training methods are based on positive operant
                                              conditioning, but other forms of training can also be
                                            ●   Competent trainers have a good understanding of
                                              anatomical, behavioural, and cognitive abilities of animals,
                                              never using objects, restraining or training methods (e.g.
                                              negative reinforcement, punishment) that compromise their
                                            ●   Food used during training sessions should be part of the
                                              daily allowance.
                                            ●   A good training plan will include measures to avoid over‐
                                              stimulating animals, promoting unnatural behaviour or
                                              making them working beyond their capacity.
             India      The Prevention of   ●   Section 22 refers to restrictions on training of exhibition
                        Cruelty to Animals Act   animals.
                        1960                ●   Section 23 refers to the procedure to register desired intent
                                              to train exhibition animals.
                                            ●   Section 24 refers to the need to ensure animals undergoing
                                              training must only do so without unnecessary pain or
                                            ●   Section 25 refers to authorised persons being able to enter
                                              and inspect the premise where performing animals are being
                                              trained or exhibited or kept for training or exhibition.
             Indonesia  No specific legislation   However, there are directions within certain government
                        related to training   regulations as below:
                        animals             ●   Utilisation of Wildlife resources including breeding,
                                              demonstration, and keeping for pleasure (pet) is in National
                                              Government Regulation ‘Peraturan Pemerintah No. 8 Th.
                                              1990 article 3’.
                                            ●   Demonstration of protected wildlife species is in Minister of
                                              Forestry Regulation ‘Permenhut No. 52 Th. 2006’.
                                            ●   The Dolphin Demonstration Guidelines are in Minister of
                                              Forestry Regulation ‘Permenhut No. 16 Th. 2014’.
                                            ●   Animal Ethics and Welfare Guidelines are in Minister of
                                              Forestry Regulation ‘Permenhut No. 9 Th. 2011’.
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