Page 349 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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13.6 Practical Safety Tips 321 Table 13.1 (Continued)
Specific training
Region legislation/guidelines Details
Japan No specific legislation However, there are standards relating to the keeping and
related to training custody of animals for exhibition (1976) which is based on ‘The
animals or zoos Law Concerning the Protection and Control of Animals, 1973’.
However these standards specifically refer to animal welfare or
animal training.
New Zoos code of welfare Includes: If animals are trained or perform,
Zealand 2018. Issued under the i) the techniques used must be appropriate for the species
Animal Welfare Act 1999 and the individual animal’s physical and mental capabilities;
ii) sessions must be of a length of time determined by the ani-
mal’s reaction and condition but without over‐working the
animal; and
iii) food deprivation and/or electric prods must not be used;
iv) methods must be based on immediate positive reinforce-
ment; and
v) training and command implements must be used in such a
manner that does not cause unreasonable or unnecessary
pain, injury or distress to an animal.
Philippines None Although there is the Animal Welfare Act (RA 8581, RA
10631 – amendments), these do not specifically relate to
animal training. There is no current legislation specific to zoos.
Southeast Asian Zoos Animal Welfare Standards are currently being written but these
Association do not affect the training of animals.
South Performing Animal To regulate the exhibition and training of performing animals
Africa Welfare Act 1935 for safeguarding. Interested parties are to apply for a licence to
enable them to train animals, however, this does not apply to
zoological gardens.
United Zoo Licencing Act 1981 Guidelines to accompany the legislation: Secretary of State’s
Kingdom (as amended in 2002) Standards for Modern Zoo Practice (Defra 2012) outlines
guidance for training of animals. Zoos are inspected regularly
(informal and formal inspections) by government appointed
Elephant specific standard – in 2017 new elephant specific
guidelines were published, as part of the Secretary of State’s
Modern Zoo Practice. These state ‘Each institution must have
an elephant training programme … and individual tailored
goals for each animal.’
Performing Animals People or organisations who train animals to perform must
(Regulation) Act 1975 register with the local authorities and be subject to inspection.
Although if a UK zoo has a licence, they would only be assessed
under the Zoo Licencing Act (above).
The Animal Welfare Part six discusses the keeping or training of animals for
(Licensing of Activities exhibition. This legislation covers institutions that house and
Involving Animals) use animals specifically for this purpose that do not hold a zoo
(England) Regulations licence (as above).