Page 232 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 232


                                                                   Third-Degree Perineal Laceration  Repair

                                                                                                                     John  C.  Janicek

                                                                                                                                                    The preparation  solution  should be  rinsed with
                         INDICATIONS                                                                                                                sterile  saline,  not  alcohol,  as  alcohol  may  cause

                                                                                                                                                     excessive irritation.

                         Dystocia,  traumatic  breeding, or  conversion  of a

                          rectovaginal  fistula  into  a  third-degree  perineal

                         laceration  for subsequent repair.                                                                                          PROCEDURE

                                                                                                                                                     One-  and  two-stage  repair  tech11iques  are

                          EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  described.  A  one-stage  repair  is  preferred;

                                                                                                                                                     however, a two-stage  repair  should  be  performed

                          Long  handled  instruments  and  monofilament                                                                              if excessive tension is present during surgery.  No

                          absorbable  suture  materials  are  required.  Self-                                                                       distinct advantage  or disadvantage  exists between

                          retaining retractors (Balfour, modified Finochietto)                                                                       techniques.  Principles  for  all techniques include

                          and a good light source (floor lamps, headlamp, or                                                                          initial  creation  of  rectal  and  vaginal  shelves,

                          fiberoptic  lights) are useful but not required.                                                                            minimal  tissue  tension,  and  maintaining  a  soft

                                                                                                                                                      manure  consistency  after surgery. All repair  tech-

                                                                                                                                                      niques  close  the  defect  from  cranial  to  caudal.

                           PREPARATION AND POSITIONING                                                                                                Modification of the techniques  can be performed

                                                                                                                                                      based on  surgeon preference,

                           Surgery  is  delayed for 4 to 6 weeks following the                                                                               Towel clamps  or  retention  sutures  are  posi-

                           laceration to allow wound contraction and inflam-                                                                          tioned  along  the  dorsolateral  and  ventrolateral

                           mation to subside.  Delaying surgery for this period                                                                       aspects of the laceration to provide  exposure.  The

                           allows the wound  edges to strengthen and become                                                                            cranial  extent  of  the  laceration  is  extended

                           clearly defined before repair is attempted. A gruel                                                                         approximately  3  cm,  creating a rectal  and vaginal

                           or pasture  diet is fed  3  to  5  days prior to surgery,                                                                   shelf.  Dissection  is  continued  laterally and  cau-

                           and the mare is fasted 1  day before surgery.                                                                               dally along the scar tissue line into the submucosa

                                  The mare is restrained  standing in a stock, and                                                                     until  the tissue  flaps  created  can  be  apposed  on

                            surgery  is performed  following epidural  anesthe-                                                                        midline  without  tension  (Figure  42-1).  Both

                            sia, and sedation  if necessary.  011ce anesthesia  is                                                                     mucosal surfaces are dissected  2 cm or more.

                            confirmed,  the  tail  is  wrapped  and  securely

                            retracted.  Fecal  material  is  removed  from  the                                                                        One-Stage Repair

                            rectum and vagina. The perineal region  is rinsed,

                            followed  by  cleansing  of  the  rectal  and  vaginal                                                                      Goetz Technique

                            lumens  with  a  dilute  povidone-iodine  solution.                                                                        Using No.  1  absorbable  suture,  a six-bite  pattern

                            The  perineal  region  is  then  aseptically prepared.                                                                      is used to close the rectovaginal  shelf.' The  suture

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