Page 119 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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7.1  ­ltrasonograahy  117

                                  AC                       VC

               Figure 7.6  Normal feline ocular globe. (Bottom) Schematic drawing of the normal feline eyeball. (Top left) Axial sagittal scan 10 MHz.
               (Toa right) Axial dorsal scan 10 MHz. On B-mode examination, the globe contains two main anechoic structures: the anterior chamber
               (AC) and vitreous cavity (VC). The vitreous cavity is bounded posteriorly and peripherally by the posterior ocular wall and anteriorly by
               the lens and ciliary body.

               normal  interior  of  the  lens  (cortex  and  nucleus)  is  ane-  Anterior Uvea (Iris and Ciliary Body)
               choic. An axial contact B‐scan view typically displays the   The uveal tract (vascular coat) consists anteriorly of the
               center of the posterior capsule as a short, echo‐dense cres-  iris and ciliary body and posteriorly of the choroid. The
               cent. It is difficult to image the entire lens capsule because   iris  leaflets  appear  as  echoic  linear  bands  in  contact
               of  its  curvilinear  surface  [7,29].  The  high‐resolution  US   with the anterior lens capsule and continuous with the
               and UBM technique is used to image the anterior lens cap-  ciliary body immediately posterior [11,12]. The poste -
               sule and the relationship of the lens to other anterior seg-  rior pigmented epithelium of the iris forms a constant
               ment structures (cornea, anterior chamber, iris, and ciliary   highly  reflective  layer  on  the  posterior  iris  surface
               body) (Figure 7.12) [29].                          (Figure 7.13) [22,29]. This highly reflective line is useful
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