Page 123 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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7.2  Comauted Tomograahy and  agnetic Resonance  maging  121

                                A         P                                       P


                                                              A                   I

               Figure 7.12  Normal lens. (Top left) Schematic drawing showing the location of the anterior lens capsule (A) and posterior lens
               capsule (P). (Toa right) Axial B-scan 10 MHz showing the posterior lens capsule. (Bottom) Axial ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM 50 MHz).
               UBM is used to image the anterior lens capsule and the relationship of the lens to other anterior structures such as the iris (I)
               and cornea (C).

               cortical  bone  [4,47].  The  cranial  nerve  emergence  and   Contrast  enhancement  did  not  significantly  enhance
               associated  skull  foramina  have  been  described  in  cats   the visibility of any ocular and orbital structures [47].
               using CT and MRI [48]. Many of the newer computers   A major disadvantage of CT is that direct image forma-
               can  perform  three‐dimensional  reconstruction  of  the   tion can be obtained only in a plane parallel to the direc-
               bony and/or soft tissue (Figure 7.19); the images are use -  tion  of  the  X‐ray  beam.  Therefore,  precise  head
               ful to understand the spatial relationship between differ-  positioning is required to ensure that the image plane
               ent anatomic structures [4,42].                    passes through the central axis [4]. Evaluation of the
                 A routine CT series of the orbits should include trans -  optic  nerve  and  extraocular  muscle  is  best  when
               verse,  dorsal  oblique,  and/or  sagittal  oblique  image   the image plane is parallel to the optic nerve. To obtain
               planes. Image slice thickness is typically 1–3  mm [4,8].   this  plane,  the  cat  is  positioned  in  dorsal  recumbency
               The diagnostic quality of CT images of normal ocular   with the head angled 20 or 30° from a plane parallel with
               and orbital structure acquired without general anesthe -  the hard palate [6]. The optic nerve appears as an oval
               sia in cats showed that streak artifact increased in trans -  structure on transverse images and as a linear structure
               verse scan but not in the dorsal or sagittal orientation   on dorsal oblique and sagittal oblique images surrounded
               and did not affect the diagnostic quality of the images.   by hypoattenuating fat [8].
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