Page 284 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 284

levels 100 times higher on mature DCs than on other cell types such  as B cells or macrophages. Their expression of costimulatory

               molecules such as CD86 (Chapter 14) may also rise 100-fold.
                  Mature DCs are the only cells that can trigger a primary T cell

               response. One reason for this is that mature DCs can assemble
               complete T cell activation complexes (antigen-loaded MHC plus
               costimulatory molecules) within the cell before they are carried to
               the cell surface. Mature DCs also express DC-SIGN (CD209), a C-

               type lectin that binds a ligand called intercellular adhesion
               molecule-3 (ICAM-3 or CD50) on naïve T cells. DC-SIGN permits
               transient binding between DCs and T cells. It allows a single
               dendritic cell to rapidly screen thousands of T cells to find the few

               that are expressing a compatible antigen receptor. Because of their
               potency, only a few DCs are needed to trigger a strong T cell
               response. Thus one dendritic cell may activate as many as 3000 T

               Tolerance Induction

               Under steady-state conditions, in the absence of inflammation or
               infection, some immature DCs will spontaneously mature and
               migrate to lymphoid tissues carrying normal tissue antigens on

               their MHC molecules. If a T cell recognizes this “normal” antigen,
               the T cell will undergo apoptosis and die. Alternatively, these DCs
               may trigger the production of IL-10, a suppressive cytokine that

               generates regulatory T cells. As a result, the processing of normal
               tissue antigens or even harmless environmental antigens by DCs
               can lead to T cell deletion and immunological tolerance (Chapter
               20). In humans a subset of DCs secrete the immunosuppressive
               molecule indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). This subset has a

               regulatory function and may be able to promote tolerance. The
               decision to induce either a tolerogenic response or a defensive
               immune response likely depends upon the presence of microbial

               PAMPs or tissue DAMPs. A good example of this is the tolerance
               expressed in the intestine to food antigens and commensal bacteria.
               DCs that sample these antigens are potent inducers of retinoic acid
               and TGF-β (Chapter 21). This retinoic acid promotes the
               differentiation of regulatory T cells and thus prevents the

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