Page 286 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 286

                                FIG. 10.7  Two populations of cDCs activate helper T cell
                           subpopulations. cDC1 cells promote type I responses by producing
                           IL-12 and activating Th1 cells. Whereas cDC2 cells promote type II
                            responses by producing IL-6 and IL-23 and so activating Th2 cells
                           and Th17 cells. The helper cell population that is activated depends
                                 on the cytokine mixture produced by these dendritic cell
                           subpopulations. The specific dendritic cell subpopulations activated
                             depend upon the nature of the inducing antigens. Dendritic cells
                             also activate innate lymphoid cells (ILCs). cDC1s activate ILC1s
                                         and cDC2s activate ILC3s (Chapter 19).

                  Different PAMPs and DAMPs acting through different TLRs
               influence the development of these dendritic cell subpopulations
               and thus the types of responses induced. The stimuli that promote
               cDC1 production include double-stranded RNA acting through
               TLR3, lipopolysaccharide acting through TLR4, flagellin acting

               through TLR5, and nucleic acids acting through TLR7 and TLR9.

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