Page 521 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 521

Although random recombination of two or three genes generates  much V-region diversity, additional mechanisms can increase this

               diversity still further. For example, endonucleases can remove
               nucleotides randomly from the cut ends of the genes. As a result,

               the precise nucleotide at which V and J genes join varies, leading to
               changes in the nucleotide sequence at the splice site and variations
               in the amino acid sequence in the V region.

               Base Insertion

               In immunoglobulin heavy chain gene processing, additional
               nucleotides may also be inserted at the V-D and D-J splice sites.
               Some of these nucleotides (N-nucleotides) are added randomly by
               an enzyme called terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT). Up

               to 10 N-nucleotides may be inserted between V and D and between
               D and J.
                  Although the random selection of genes from two or three pools

               generates a huge number of combinations, not all of these
               combinations produce usable antibodies. Some combinations may
               generate sequences that cannot be translated into protein. These are
               called nonproductive rearrangements. For example, nucleotides are
               read as triplets called codons, each of which codes for a specific

               amino acid. If the codons are to be read correctly, then the sequence
               must be in the correct reading frame. If nucleotides are inserted or
               deleted so that the codon reading frame is changed, the resulting

               gene may code for a totally different amino acid sequence. If this
               “frameshift” results in inappropriate splicing, translation is
               prematurely terminated.
                  It is probable that nonproductive rearrangements are produced in
               two out of three attempts during B cell development. When this

               happens, the B cell has several additional opportunities to produce
               a functional antibody. For example, immature B cells initially
               rearrange one of the IGK genes (Fig. 17.8). If this fails to produce a

               functional light chain, they switch to the other IGK allele for a
               second attempt. If this does not work, the B cell will use one of the
               IGL alleles, and if this fails, the second IGL allele represents the last
               resort. If all these efforts fail to produce a functional light chain, the
               B cell cannot make a functional immunoglobulin. It will undergo

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