Page 238 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 238

234                       FEMALE UROGENITAL SURGERIES

                                                                                                                                                                              Pudenda!  n.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Caudal  rectal n.

                                                                                                                                                                    ~  e ..,...,.r.,~-d4                  ...  ::::-v

                         Figure 42-9                    illustration for performing subsacral  anesthesia  in the horse.  The left hand is placed  in the rectum to

                         identify the ventral sacral  foramina and a needle is inserted  on midline  a third of the distance from  the anus to the

                         base  of the tail, directed toward the foramen identified by the left hand.

                         repeated  on  the  other  side  at  the  2 to  3  o'clock                                                                  desensitized  by  this  block  include  the  perirectal

                        position.                                                                                                                   region,  the  entire  caudal  region  overlying  the

                               Another  technique of subsacral  anesthesia  has                                                                     semitendinosus  and  semimembranosus  muscles,

                        been  described.  The  tail is wrapped  and  retracted                                                                      and most of the perineum excluding the vulva and

                         dorsally.  One  hand  is inserted  into  the  rectum  to                                                                   the  area  immediately  surrounding  the  vulva.  In

                        locate the  sacral promontory. The  hand  is  drawn                                                                         males,  the  penis  and  retractor penis  muscles will

                        back  along the sacrum  2 to 3  cm from  midline  to                                                                        be desensitized.'

                        locate  the  ventral  sacral  foramina.  By counting

                        back,  the  third  ventral  foramen  ( exit  of  the

                        pudendal  nerve)  is  found.  The  index  or  middle                                                                        REFERENCES

                        finger  remains  on this point  (Figure  42-9).  With

                        the other hand a needle  (up to 6 inches  in length)                                                                        1.  Beard W: Standing urogenital surgery, Vet Clin N An1

                        with a short beveled point is inserted  on midline                                                                                Equine Pract 7:669,  1991.

                        a third  of the  distance  from  the  anus  to  the  tail                                                                   2.  Belknap  JK, Nickels FA: A one-stage  repair of third-

                        base,  and  directed  toward  the  ventral  sacral                                                                                degree perinea! lacerations and rectovestibular fistu-

                        foramen. A syringe  is  attached  to  the  needle  and                                                                            lae in 17 mares, Vet Surg 21:378,  1992.

                        approximately  20  mL  of  anesthetic  solution  is                                                                         3.  Stickle RL, Fessler JF, Adams  SB: A single-stage  tech-

                        injected,  The  syringe  is removed  and  the  needle                                                                            nique for  repair  of rectovestibular lacerations  in the

                        withdrawn  5  to  6 cm  until the point reaches  the                                                                              mare, Vet Surg 8:25,  1979.

                        fourth  sacral  foramen  ( exit  of the  caudal  rectal                                                                    4.  O'Reilly JL, Maslean  AA, Lowis TC:  Repair  of third-
                                                                                                                                                          degree perinea! laceration  by a modified Goetz  tech-
                        nerve)  and  20  mL  of anesthetic  solution is  like-                                                                           nique in twenty mares, Equine  Vet J 10:2,  1998.

                        wise injected.  The entire procedure  is repeated  on                                                                      5.  Phillips TN, Foerner JJ:  Semitransverse closure  tech-

                        the  other side  so that a total  of 80 mL  of anaes-                                                                            nique for  repair  of perinea!  lacerations  i11 the mare,

                        thetic is  required.  Within  5  to  20  minutes  areas                                                                          Proc Am  Assoc Equine Pract 44:191,  1998 .

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