Page 110 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 110

92  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   factors, including depolarisation (via the neurotransmitters   as insertion sites for intermediate filaments, in which  acetylcholine and noradrenaline), mechanical stretching  the contractile actin filaments are enmeshed (Figures 4.5
                                                                  and 4.6).
                   and chemical stimuli.
                                                                     Dense bodies are considered to be equivalent to the
                      In histological sections of smooth muscle, the myofila-
                   ments within the smooth muscle cells (actin-, myosin- and  Z line of striated muscle. Myosin filaments are inter-
                   intermediate filaments) appear to be oriented in various  spersed among the network of actin filaments. These are
                   directions, forming a network (Figure 4.5).    soluble, highly labile proteins that increase in number dur-
                      The actin filaments (1 μm in length) are anchored to  ing contraction. They are not attached to dense bodies.
                   each other and to the inner surface of the plasmalemma  Intermediate filaments (desmin) form the cytoskeleton
                   by dense bodies (areae densae). Dense bodies also serve  of smooth muscle cells. They are not contractile.

                   4.2  Longitudinal section of a bundle of smooth muscle fibres in the stomach (cat). The nucleus of smooth muscle
                   cells is situated centrally. The surrounding sarcoplasm is drawn out, conforming to the fusiform shape of the
                   cell. The surface of the smooth muscle cell is invested by connective tissue (endomysium). Goldner’s Masson
                   trichrome stain (x200).

                   4.3  Transverse section of a bundle of smooth muscle fibres in the stomach (cat). The nucleus is located centrally.
                   In some cases, the section has passed through a region of the sarcoplasm in which the nucleus is not present.
                   Connective tissue surrounds individual cells (endomysium) and fibre bundles (perimysium). Haematoxylin and
                   eosin stain (x480).

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