Page 109 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 109                                                                                  4

                  Muscle tissue

                  (textus muscularis)

                  All cells have the capacity for movement. Processes such  of glands and forms part of the wall of blood and lym-
                  as mitosis, phagocytosis and the amoeboid migration of  phatic vessels. Smooth muscle cells also perform important
                  white blood cells into extravascular tissue all involve some  functions in the lung, genital apparatus and the skin.
                  degree of mobility or contraction. In higher organisms, a
                  specialised form of contractility is expressed by cells that  Fine structure of smooth muscle cells
                  constitute muscle tissue.                      (myocytus nonstriatus)
                     The primary distinguishing feature of muscle tissue is  Smooth muscle tissue is composed primarily of spin-
                  the transformation by muscle cells of chemical energy  dle-shaped smooth muscle cells measuring 20–500 μm
                  (adenosine triphosphate, ATP) into mechanical energy  in length (Figures 4.1 to 4.5 and Table 4.1). The term
                  and heat. This functional specialisation necessitates the  ‘smooth’ is used for this muscle type because its myofila-
                  differentiation of specific structural features. Based on its  ments lack the ordered arrangement observed in striated
                  physiological function, muscle tissue is divided into two  muscle. The ovoid to oblong, usually slightly notched
                  types:                                         nucleus is typically located centrally, becoming shortened
                                                                 during muscle contraction. The cytoplasm (sarcoplasm)
                   ·  smooth muscle and                          contains numerous mitochondria and a variably devel-
                   ·  striated muscle.                           oped endoplasmic reticulum (sarcoplasmic reticulum).
                                                                 The functions of the endoplasmic reticulum include stor-
                                                                 age of Ca . Micropinocytic vesicles (caveolae) are found
                  Smooth muscle                                  along the cell membrane, predominantly at the ends of the
                  (textus muscularis nonstriatus)                cell (Figures 4.5 and 4.6). These are believed to be involved
                  As well as forming the muscular component of most inter-  in transport of Ca . An increase in sarcoplasmic Ca
                  nal organs, smooth muscle surrounds the secretory ducts  and associated muscle contraction is triggered by various

                  4.1  Smooth muscle of small intestine in longitudinal and transverse section (cat). Haematoxylin and eosin stain

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