Page 185 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 185

Endocrine system (systema endocrinum)   167

                                                                            9.6  Epiphysis (horse). The epiphysis
                                                                            is subdivided by delicate connective
                                                                            tissue septa that surround pinealocytes,
                                                                            interstitial cells (astrocytes) and
                                                                            sympathetic nerve fibres. Azan stain

                  pineal cells, capillaries and paravascular channels. The  The significance of the epiphysis in non-seasonal breed-
                  chromatin of the oval nuclei of the interstitial cells is more  ers is incompletely understood. The onset of puberty is
                  dense than that of pinealocytes. Like the astrocytes of the  associated with a reduction in pineal activity.
                  brain, the interstitial cells exhibit extensively branching
                  cytoplasmic processes containing bundles of intermediate   Species variation
                  filaments.                                       In lower vertebrates, rather than being a compact struc-
                     With increasing age, calcium deposits appear within the   ture, the epiphysis of fish and amphibians is a saccular
                  glial regions of the epiphysis and in spaces within the pia   evagination referred to as the intracranial epiphysis. An
                  mater. These are referred to as corpora arenacea (brain   additional component, the parapineal organ or parietal
                  sand).                                           organ, manifests as a projection of the epiphyseal sac or
                     The epiphysis is richly innervated with sympathetic   as a separate, more rostrally located, projection from the
                  nerve fibres.  The perikarya of these nerve fibres are   roof of the third ventricle. The parietal organ comes to
                  located in the cranial cervical ganglion. Within the ter-  lie, at the end of a stalk, under the epidermis. In some
                  minals of sympathetic nerve axons are vesicles containing   animals (e.g. frogs) it can be visualised at the occiput
                  noradrenaline and neuropeptide Y.                with the naked eye. The ultrastructure of the cells of the
                     The mammalian pineal gland is influenced by daylight,   parietal organ is similar to that of the photoreceptors of
                  about which it receives information from the optic system:   the retina, with a lamellated sensory process and a basal
                  retina → suprachiasmatic nucleus → cerebrospinal tracts   afferent synaptic connection (it has not been definitively
                  to intermediolateral nucleus in the first thoracic segments   established whether this ‘parietal eye’ is photoreceptive).
                  of the spinal cord → preganglionic fibres → cranial cervi-  It is assumed that these primitive photoreceptors are
                  cal ganglion → postganglionic sympathetic fibres to the     homologues of the photoreceptors of mammals.
                     The synthetic activity of pinealocytes is regulated by
                  noradrenaline released from the terminals of the sym-  Thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea)
                  pathetic axons. Within the pinealocytes,  melatonin  is  The thyroid gland produces the hormones tetraiodothyro-
                  produced by methylation of serotonin. Epiphyseal activ-  nine (thyroxin, T ), tri-iodothyronine (T ) and calcitonin.
                                                                               4                 3
                  ity is controlled by the day–night cycle: the concentration  Synthesis and secretion of thyroxin and tri-iodothyronine are
                  of melatonin in the blood increases during the dark phase,  controlled by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) produced
                  while light inhibits melatonin synthesis. The circadian mel-  in the adenohypophysis. Calcitonin is regulated by a nega-
                  atonin rhythm regulates seasonal reproduction, providing  tive feedback loop, driven by plasma calcium concentrations.
                  information about changes in day length. In laboratory   Thyroxin and tri-iodothyronine bind to receptors in the
                  animals (golden hamster), the effects of photoperiod on  cell nucleus and stimulate transcription. In this way, they
                  gonadal function can be simulated by artificial manipu-  regulate intracellular metabolism, stimulating protein syn-
                  lation of the day–night rhythm. These are measured by  thesis and carbohydrate metabolism. In general, thyroid
                  testicular weight, which can vary up to ten-fold under  hormones increase basal metabolic rate, heat production
                  extreme conditions.                            and growth processes within the body.

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