Page 189 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 189

Endocrine system (systema endocrinum)   171

                     The parenchyma of the parathyroid gland consists  thus acts as an antagonist of calcitonin produced by the  of relatively small polygonal epithelial cells (Figure 9.11)  thyroid gland.
                                                                    Parathyroid hormone acts rapidly upon bone, stimu-
                  arranged in  cords  or  clusters. Two types of cells are
                                                                 lating osteocytes to mobilise calcium from the surface of
                                                                 their lacunae (osteocytic osteolysis). It also exerts a long-
                   ·  small principal  (chief) cells that occur in two   acting effect by promoting the formation and activity of
                      functional stages exhibiting either light or dark cyto-  osteoclasts (osteoclastic osteolysis). In addition, parathy-
                      plasm, and                                 roid hormone inhibits calcium excretion in the kidney and
                   ·  oxyphilic cells – larger than principal cells, charac-  stimulates absorption of calcium by the intestine through
                      terised by acidophilic cytoplasm with a fine granular   its regulatory effect on vitamin D metabolism.
                                                                 Adrenal gland (glandula suprarenalis)
                  Light principal cells (endocrinocyti principales lucidi)  The adrenal gland is a vital, paired organ consisting of two
                  have a round, centrally positioned nucleus. They contain  embryologically and functionally distinct regions:
                  few organelles and secretory granules (resting form) but
                  store large amounts of glycogen. Most of the glycogen par-  ·  adrenal cortex (cortex glandulae suprarenalis) and
                  ticles are dissolved during routine formol fixing, and thus   ·  adrenal medulla (medulla glandulae suprarenalis)
                  these cells appear distinctly pale.                (Figures 9.12 to 9.14).
                     Dark  principal  cells  (endocrinocyti  principales
                  densi) contain large quantities of electron-dense secretory  The adrenal cortex develops from the mesodermal coe-
                  granules (secretory form). Abundant rough endoplas-  lomic epithelium, while the medulla is derived from
                  mic reticulum and mitochondria are also present in the  the  neuroectoderm  (neural crest).  The  medulla  thus
                  cytoplasm.                                     constitutes a sympathetic paraganglion composed of
                     Oxyphilic cells (endocrinocyti oxyphilici) are larger  neurosecretory cells that release transmitters into capil-
                  than principal cells (22 μm in the ox, 27 μm in the horse).  lary networks.
                  The chromatin of the centrally placed nucleus is often dis-  The  arrangement of the blood supply to the  adre-
                  tinctly dense. The cells are filled almost exclusively with  nal gland is related to the functional organisation of
                  mitochondria and a little glycogen. The mitochondria  the gland (Figure 9.14). Beneath the capsule, an arterial
                  are responsible for the granular light microscopic appear-  plexus branches into cortical sinusoids that extend into
                  ance of the cytoplasm. A transitional cell type exhibiting  the cortex along with delicate connective tissue septa.
                  features of both principal and oxyphil cells may also be  These fenestrated capillaries are accompanied by a nar-
                  present. The function of oxyphilic cells is unclear; it has  row perivascular space containing macrophages of the
                  been proposed that these may be a degenerative form of  mononuclear phagocyte system. At the junction between
                  cell as their numbers increase with age.       the cortex and medulla, the capillaries open into a network
                     Species differences are observed in the arrangement of  of venules located within the medulla. In addition, small
                  parenchymal cells, capillaries and perivascular connective  non-branching arterioles pass through the cortex into the
                  tissue. In the dog, the cells of the parenchyma lie in cords  medulla (medullary arterioles) to supply the capillaries of
                  along the usually wide capillaries. In transverse section,  the medulla directly with oxygenated blood.
                  this arrangement resembles a rosette. In other domestic   The venous vessels of the medulla converge to form
                  mammals, the parenchymal cells are predominantly organ-  central medullary veins that leave the gland as the adre-
                  ised in groups or clusters and the capillaries are narrower.  nal veins. The adventitia of the central medullary veins
                  In carnivores and in the ox, the histological appearance  incorporates a longitudinal cushion of muscle which has a
                  of the gland is dark as the cells are small, and the nuclei  regulatory effect on blood flow. The medulla thus receives
                  are close together. A greater volume of cytoplasm in the  blood from two sources: an arterial supply, independent of
                  principal cells imparts a lighter appearance to the tissue in  the cortical vasculature, and blood from the cortical sinu-
                  the pig and horse.                             soids, which is high in cortical hormones (corticosteroids).
                     The parathyroid gland produces parathyroid hormone  Corticosteroids regulate the synthesis of adrenaline in the
                  (PTH). The ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticu-  chromaffin cells of the medulla.
                  lum of the principal cells produce the large pre-hormone
                  pre-parathyroid hormone. This molecule is shortened by   Species variation
                  proteases during its passage through the endoplasmic retic-  Lower vertebrates: In fish and amphibians, the adrenal
                  ulum, before being glycosylated in the Golgi apparatus and   cortex and medulla are separated into an inter-renal
                  released by exocytosis into the capillaries. Parathyroid hor-  organ  (homologous to the cortex) and an  adrenal
                  mone increases calcium concentration in the blood and   organ (chromaffin body, homologous to the medulla).

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