Page 191 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 191

Endocrine system (systema endocrinum)   173

         Capsule                    Zona arcuata                              Aldosterone


                      Adrenal cortex
                                                     Zona fasciculata                           Glucocorticoids,
                          capillaries                                                           17-ketosteroids

                          Medullary                  Zona reticularis                           17-ketosteroids
                           arteriole                                                            (DHEA)

                     Adrenal medulla
                     Venous sinusoids

                  9.14  Structural organisation and vascular supply of the adrenal gland (schematic).

                                                                            9.15  Zona glomerulosa of the adrenal
                                                                            cortex (ox.) Azan stain (x400).

                  species, the region is referred to as the zona glomerulosa  Zona fasciculata
                  (Figure 9.15).                                 The broadest zone of the adrenal gland, the zona fascicu-
                     The endocrine cells of the outer cortex secrete min-  lata, consists of parallel cell columns that are oriented
                  eralocorticoids, particularly aldosterone. This hormone  radially, perpendicular to the capsule (Figures 9.12, 9.14
                  counters sodium loss, thus serving to regulate electrolyte  and 9.16). The cell columns are accompanied by con-
                  and water homeostasis. In the distal renal tubules and  nective tissue and fenestrated capillaries. The mildly
                  collecting ducts, aldosterone promotes reabsorption of  eosinophilic cytoplasm of the polygonal cells encloses a
                  sodium (and thereby water) and excretion of potassium.  centrally located nucleus, an extensive system of smooth
                  The primary stimulus for release of aldosterone is angio-  endoplasmic reticulum and a conspicuous number of vari-
                  tensin II (via the renin–angiotensin system), though ACTH  ably sized lipid vacuoles. At the electron microscope level,
                  and atrial natriuretic peptide also play a role.  the mitochondria of the zona fasciculata are observed to
                                                                 be of the tubular (tubulovesicular) type.

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