Page 195 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 195

Endocrine system (systema endocrinum)   177

                  9.20  Carotid body (dog). The carotid body is a para-  9.21  Pancreatic islet (cat). Pancreatic islets constitute
                  sympathetic  paraganglion  composed  of  light  chief   the endocrine component of the pancreas. They con-
                  cells, dense support cells, a capillary network and   tain α-, β, δ, C and PP cells and a delicate network of
                  numerous nerve fibres. Haematoxylin and eosin stain   sinusoidal capillaries. Haematoxylin and eosin stain
                  (x225).                                        (x400).

                     A (α) cells contain dense, argyrophilic granules (200–  silver stain. D cells give off slender cytoplasmic processes.
                  300 nm). Their nucleus is usually distinctly indented. These  The electron microscope reveals small endocrine granules
                  cells comprise 5–30% of pancreatic islet cells. In the pig,  (150–300 nm) of limited density. The granules contain
                  their number decreases rapidly after birth (from 50 to  somatostatin, a growth-inhibiting factor that inhibits the
                  20%). In the horse, they accumulate in the centre of the  activity of A and B cells. Somatostatin is also produced in
                  islet; in the ox they are located peripherally. Their granules  the D cells of the gastrointestinal tract, in the hypothala-
                  contain glucagon.                              mus and in the C cells of the thyroid gland.
                     B (β) cells are larger than A cells and have an oval,   PP  (F cells)  constitute a very small group of het-
                  loosely structured nucleus. They stain with Gomori’s  erogeneous endocrine cells that synthesise a variety of
                  aldehyde fuchsin. At the electron microscope level, their  gastro-pancreatic polypeptide hormones (e.g. pancreatic
                  granules are observed to have a distinctive, crystalline  polypeptide; vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, VIP; chol-
                  internal structure. The cytoplasm is rich in rough endo-  ecystokinin/pancreozymin, CCK).
                  plasmic reticulum, mitochondria and Golgi fields. In most   All pancreatic islet hormones are synthesised as precur-
                  domestic mammals, B cells account for 60–80% of islet  sors in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, packaged into
                  cells (up to 98% in the sheep). B cells tend to be located at  secretory granules in the Golgi apparatus and transported
                  the periphery of islets in the horse and more centrally in  as active hormone to the cell surface. Movement of the
                  the ox. Their granules contain insulin.        granules, along intracellular microtubules, is regulated
                     Glucagon and insulin act antagonistically in regulating  by calcium. The hormones are released by exocytosis for
                  blood glucose concentration. Insulin secreted by B cells  uptake by the capillary network.
                  increases the uptake of blood glucose by the liver, muscle
                  and fat. Triggered by an increase in plasma glucose con-  Enteroendocrine system
                  centration, the release of insulin causes the concentration  Located within the epithelium of the gastrointestinal sys-
                  of glucose in the blood to fall. Glucagon, the product of A  tem are numerous individual secretory cells that signal by
                  cells, has the opposite effect, raising the concentration of  the paracrine mode. Together, these are referred to as the
                  blood glucose by activating glycogenolysis.    enteroendocrine system. Cell types of the enteroendo-
                     C cells have been proposed to represent undifferenti-  crine system include the well-described enterochromaffin
                  ated stem cells. They may also be inactive forms of A or  cell, which secretes serotonin, and a constantly grow-
                  B cells.                                       ing list of cell types that synthesise peptide hormones.
                     D (δ) cells are relatively rare (5% in the dog). With the  Currently, over 30 of such peptide hormones have been
                  light microscope, they can be identified using Grimelius’  identified. They are stored, together with a carrier pro-

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