Page 186 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 186

168  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                      Calcitonin reduces plasma calcium levels by stimulat-  and meshwork of reticular fibres, as well as a dense net-  ing osteoblasts, inhibiting the activity of osteoclasts and  work of fenestrated capillaries (rete capillare) and lymph
                   increasing urinary calcium excretion through decreased  vessels (rete lymphocapillare).
                                                                     The follicles constitute the parenchyma of the thyroid
                   tubular reabsorption.
                                                                  gland (Figures 9.7 to 9.10). The epithelial cells of the single-
                   Structure of the thyroid gland                 celled follicular wall exhibit polarity. The lumen of the follicle
                   The thyroid gland is unique among endocrine glands in  is filled with colloid, a gelatinous material produced by the
                   that it stores inactive hormones within vesicular struc-  follicle epithelium. Colloid may be viscous or thin, and is aci-
                   tures termed follicles. It therefore serves as a glandular  dophilic and PAS positive. Depending upon the activity of the
                   hormone reservoir.                             gland, the colloid becomes thickened by removal of water.
                      The thyroid gland is enclosed within a thin connective   Thyroxin and tri-iodothyronine are stored within the
                   tissue capsule. Delicate septa extend from the capsule into  large glycoprotein molecule thyroglobulin. When release
                   the interior of the organ, dividing the gland into lobes and  of  the  active  hormone  is  required,  the  thyroglobulin
                   lobules. Division of the gland is particularly prominent in  molecule is endocytosed and hydrolysed by lysosomes.
                   ruminants and pigs. The thyroid follicles represent a struc-  According to the functional status of the gland, the follicles
                   tural and functional unit, bounded by a simple cuboidal  vary in shape (round to oval), size (diameter 50–500 μm)
                   epithelium. These are surrounded by a basal membrane  and height of the epithelium (Figures 9.7 to 9.9):

                                                                             9.7  Thyroid gland (horse). During the
                                                                             secretory phase, the thyroid gland
                                                                             synthesises thyroglobulin which is
                                                                             stored within follicles. The follicle
                                                                             wall is composed of simple epithelium
                                                                             that varies in height according to the
                                                                             functional status of the gland (cuboidal
                                                                             in this image). Loose connective tissue
                                                                             surrounding the follicles contains vessels
                                                                             and autonomic nerve fibres. Goldner’s
                                                                             Masson trichrome stain (x480).

                                                                             9.8  Thyroid gland (horse). In the storage
                                                                             phase, the follicles are enlarged with
                                                                             a flattened cuboidal epithelium. The
                                                                             follicles are round to oval in shape
                                                                             and therefore appear variably sized in
                                                                             histological section. Haematoxylin and
                                                                             eosin stain (x240).

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