Page 264 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 264
246 Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds
11.10 Epiglottis (calf). The oral surface of the epi- underlaid by mucous glands. Elastic cartilage forms
glottis is lined with stratified squamous epithelium
the structural core. Striated muscle fibres radiate into
the base of the epiglottis from the root of the tongue.
Orcein-haemalum stain (x8).
11.11 Larynx, dorsal section (young
dog). Haematoxylin and eosin stain
Trachea tory epithelium). Basal cells and columnar cells with
The trachea is a semiflexible tube that commences at the microvilli are also present. Neuroendocrine cells, including
caudal end of the larynx and ends at the tracheal bifurca- enterochromaffin and APUD cells (amine and precursor
tion. Structurally, the trachea is composed of concentric uptake and decarboxylation cells) are more numerous in
layers of tissue (Figures 11.12 and 11.13). young animals. These cells are in contact with nerve end-
The trachea is lined with ciliated pseudostratified ings and produce biogenic amines. The lamina propria is
epithelium containing numerous goblet cells (respira- composed of an irregular meshwork of fine collagen fibres
Vet Histology.indb 246 16/07/2019 15:03