Page 262 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 262

244  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                     The structure of the neurosensory olfactory mucosa
                     region of chickens and water birds comprises a small   circumscribed area on the caudal nasal concha and the   is similar to that of the olfactory region of the nasal cavity.
                                                                  Poorly myelinated fibres of the terminal nerve (n. terminalis)
                     caudal portion of the nasal septum. Both the olfactory
                                                                  traverse the connective tissue of the lamina propria. These
                     region and the olfactory bulb of birds are relatively
                     small and limited in function. In comparative terms,   sensory fibres pass to the area cribrosa and then to the
                     the olfactory system is more developed in carnivores   olfactory bulb. The exterior of the vomeronasal organ is
                     (including fish eaters) than in granivorous species.  surrounded by a cuff of hyaline cartilage (vomeronasal

                   Paranasal sinuses (sinus paranasales)          Pharynx
                   The paranasal sinuses are lined with a low respiratory epithe-  The dorsal compartment of the pharynx, the nasophar-
                   lium. Glands are rarely present. The lamina propria is closely  ynx (pars nasalis pharyngis) is lined with respiratory
                   associated with the periosteum. In carnivores this layer con-  mucosa. The lamina propria and tela submucosa contain
                   tains tubulo-acinar serous glands (in the maxillary sinus).  abundant lymphoid nodules. Nodular aggregates form the
                   Their secretions pass from the sinus into the nasal cavity.  pharyngeal tonsils. The lymphoid tissue is immediately
                                                                  surrounded by tubulo-acinar, predominantly mixed glands.
                   Vomeronasal organ (organum vomeronasale)       The tunica muscularis is composed of skeletal muscle. On
                   The vomeronasal organ aids in identification of scents and  the outer surface of its muscular wall, the nasopharynx
                   odours. It bears receptors for specific pheromones and is  is lined by a dense tunica adventitia. At the level of the
                   believed to play a role in detecting oestrus, particularly in  soft palate (structure described in Chapter 10, ‘Digestive
                   lower order vertebrates. In domestic mammals, the vom-  system’), the nasopharynx is continued by the orophar-
                   eronasal organ is relatively poorly developed.  ynx, in which the respiratory and digestive tracts intersect.
                      The vomeronasal organ is a paired tubular structure,  In this portion of the pharynx, the epithelium is stratified
                   lying parallel to the base of the nasal septum (Figure 11.5).  squamous. Mixed glands and lymphoid tissue are located
                   Its rostral opening empties into the nasal and oral cavities  in the submucosa. The submucosa is permeated by a dense
                   via the incisive duct. In the horse, the connection to the  meshwork of elastic fibres that strengthens the pharyn-
                   oral cavity is lacking. The caudal end of the vomeronasal  geal wall. Lying external to the submucosa are the striated
                   organ is blind.                                bundles of the pharyngeal muscles, followed by a layer of
                      The lumen of the vomeronasal organ is lined with res-  fibro-elastic tissue.
                   piratory mucosa on its lateral aspect and with olfactory
                   mucosa on its medial internal surface (Figure 11.6).
                      In the  respiratory  mucosa, prominent clusters of  Larynx
                   glands lie between the epithelium and a dense network  The larynx is a bilaterally symmetrical tubular organ that

                   of capacitance vessels. Secretions produced by these glands  is continuous rostrally with the pharynx and caudally with
                   serve to moisten the mucosa and solubilise odoriferous  the trachea. The structural framework of the larynx con-
                   chemicals.                                     sists of the laryngeal cartilages. Ligaments interconnect

                                                                          11.7  Nasal mucosa (calf). Beneath the
                                                                          mucosa of the nasal septum is a prominent
                                                                          venous plexus. Contraction of smooth
                                                                          muscle in capacitance veins slows blood flow
                                                                          resulting in congestion of the nasal mucosa.
                                                                          Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x80).

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