Page 81 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 81

Connective and supportive tissues (textus connectivus)  63

                  3.2  Differentiation of cells from the mesoderm (schematic).   Via fusion of mononuclear precursor cells of
                  granulocyte-monocyte line.

                  ing further into mature, less active fibrocytes, chondrocytes  and differentiate into macrophages (Figure 3.1). They are
                  and osteocytes.                                relatively numerous in loose connective tissue where, in
                     Fibroblasts have irregularly developed cell processes  their resting form, they may be difficult to distinguish from
                  and nuclei rich in euchromatin. Their cytoplasm con-  fibroblasts. The primary function of histiocytes is localised
                  tains numerous organelles that are dedicated primarily to  phagocytosis. Histiocytes can move freely in an amoeboid
                  protein biosynthesis (rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribo-  fashion through the tissue. Their nucleus is round to oval
                  somes, Golgi apparatus). Fibroblasts synthesise the fibres  and the cell surface appears irregular due to the presence
                  and ground substance of the extracellular matrix.  of numerous processes (pseudopodia). The cytoplasm
                     Fibrocytes are small, spindle-shaped cells that usually  contains granules (lysosomes). In addition to their endo-
                  lie between bundles of fibres. Under the light microscope  and phagocytic function, histiocytes (macrophages) have
                  their nuclei appear dense and elongated. The cytoplasm  a role in antigen presentation and the immune response.
                  is weakly acidophilic with few metabolically active  They synthesise proteins (e.g. interferon, complement,
                  organelles.                                    cytokines) that act as immune mediators (see Chapter 8,
                     Histiocytes, or connective tissue macrophages, are  ‘Immune system and lymphatic organs’). The lifespan of
                  derived from circulating monocytes that enter the tissue  active macrophages is approximately 2–3 months.

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