Page 304 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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288    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          off the tooth as the tip of the handpiece is swept along its
          surface. For both types of handpieces, water must be in
          the handpiece prior to insertion of the insert.
          Occasionally hold the magnetostrictive handpiece up to
          the light; if light is visible between the stacks, it is time to
          replace the handpiece. Use care with the ferrite rod, if it
          is dropped it can fracture the rod and render the hand-
          piece unusable (Figure 15.7).
            Piezo scalers use crystal technology in the handpiece
          to provide mechanical vibration. The same care in use
          should be used with piezo scalers to prevent tooth
            Sonic scalers use compressed air to operate thereby
          producing  less  heat  and  reducing  the  chance  of
          thermal damage to the tooth. Sonic scalers are an
          excellent choice for the removal of supragingival
          calculus; however, their inability to descale subgingi-
          vally effectively is due to the large elliptical motion of
          the scaler tip.
                                                             FIGURE 15.8  Ultrasonic dental scaler.
          Selection of the Correct
          Handpiece Tip                                      walls of bacteria. It is recommended that each clinic have
                                                             both the wide or beaver tip and the periodontal tip to
          There are three main types of scaler tips available for   perform the most effective dental cleanings. A universal
          power scalers. The tip used to remove gross accumula-  tip can be used both above and below the gumline.
          tions of dental calculus or tartar from the crown of the   However, it is not as effective for cleaning either below or
          tooth is most commonly called the beaver tail. This tip is   above the gumline.
          broad and effective in rapidly removing debris from the   All tips must be checked regularly using the manu-
          crown (Figure 15.8, first tip on the left). This tip requires   facturers’ guides to ensure that they are still effective.
          a higher power on most units and thus should never be   They wear down and don’t vibrate efficiently.
          used below the gumline. The periodontal tip is essential   Handpieces and tips will need to be replaced on
          to complete a proper dental cleaning (the two tips on   occasion for the safety of the patients and the effective-
          the right in Figure 15.8). This tip has a slender end and   ness of the procedures.
          is designed to be used below the gumline and requires
          less energy and water to be effective. Using the
          periodontal tip helps to remove disease‐causing dental   Air‐Driven Dental Units
          calculus and plaque found below the gumline. The water
          flushes out the debris while the vibrations burst the cell   Dental units are used by the veterinary dentist that has
                                                             had training in the removal and periodontal treatment
                                                             of teeth. There are two types of dental units: one uses
                                                             compressed gas, usually nitrogen, from a cylinder; the
                                                             second type uses an air compressor. The pressure in the
                                                             compressor tank must be released at the end of each
                                                             day to reduce condensation in the tank. Condensation
                                                             can lead to ineffectiveness or damage to the tank. Most
                                                             air‐driven compressor systems use oil for lubrication.
                                                             The oil level must be monitored and changed based on
                                                             the manufacturer’s recommendations. Different types
                                                             of handpieces can be used on the compressed air sys-
                                                             tems. Sonic scalers are handpieces often attached to air
                                                             compressor units. Low speed handpieces use speeds of
                                                             5000–20,000 rpm and are used for polishing with pro-
                                                             phy angles. High speed handpieces, using speeds of
                                                             300,000–500,000 rpm, are used for cutting teeth during
          FIGURE 15.7  Dental prophylaxis scaler and polisher.  extractions and can also be used for creating access
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