Page 307 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 307

Chapter 15  Dental Skills for the Veterinary Assistant  291

             M – molars. Capital letters are used for the adult teeth   Charting Symbols
             while lowercase letters are used for the deciduous (pri-
             mary) teeth. The teeth are numbered numerically per   During the charting process the technician or veteri-
             type of tooth. Look at Figure 15.10 on the dog chart. Note   narian  will  call  out  the  abnormal  findings  as  she  pro-
             that the teeth left of the midline are identified by placing   ceeds through the oral exam. The different lesions are
             the number either as a superscript to indicate upper jaw   marked with symbols on the dental chart. The following
             or as a subscript to indicate the lower jaw. So, the upper   are some of the more common lesions found:
             right teeth starting at the midline and working around the
             quadrant we have I , I , I , C , P , P , P , P , M  and M . The   •  Sulcus depth is marked with a number on the
             advantage of the anatomical system is that it is easy to   appropriate surface of the tooth. For example, if the
             remember, and many teeth can be identified at one time.   technician says, “105 buccal sulcus 4 mm” you would
             The disadvantages are that is can be more time consuming   mark the number 4 next to the first premolar on the
             to identify individual teeth and some  computer systems   cheek side of the tooth.
             may not be alpha numeric friendly. Note, too, the cat den-  •  Fractured teeth are marked with a wavy line in the
             tition skips numbers when you reach the premolars.   direction of the fracture, either transverse or longitudinal.
                                                     Anatomic numbering system
                                           Dog                                  Cat

                                          I 3  I 2  I 1  1 I  2 I  3 I
                                    C 1                    1 C

                                  P 1                      1 P
                                  P 2                       2 P
                                                                          I 3  I 2  I 1  1 I  2 I  3 I
                                                            3 P
                                 P 3                                  C 1                 1 C
                                                             4 P     P 2
                                P 4                                                      2 P
                                                                     P 3                  3 P
                                                             1 M
                                M 1                                 P 4
                                                             2 M                           4 P
                                 M 2
                                     M 3                           M 1                      1 M
                                                          3 M
                                   M 2                    2 M
                                                                   M 1                      1 M
                                    M 1                    1 M

                                    P 4                    4 P      P 4                    4 P

                                    P 3                   3 P         P 3                  3 P

                                     P 2                 2 P           C 1                1 C
                                      P 1                 1 P
                                     C 1                 1 C               I 3 I 2  I 1  1 I  2 I  3 I
                                                                       Right              Left
                                  Right   I 3 I 2  I 1  1 I  2 I  3 I  Left
             FIGURE 15.10  Anatomical numbering system.
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