Page 310 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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294    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          will  cause elongation and too high it will cause    The steps involved in developing dental films are as
          foreshortening.                                    follows:
            Six to ten intraoral films are needed for a full mouth
          study in dogs and cats, depending on patient size.   1.  Ensure that the developer and fixer are fresh
                                                             2.  Slowly open the film packet, remove the film, and
          Because of this, the patient will need to be in various   attach the film clip
          positions to accomplish these films: right and left lateral,   3.  Place in developer – 30 seconds
          sternal,  and  dorsal  recumbency.  Remember  when   4.  Wash in water – 30 seconds
          moving an anesthetized patient to keep the body level   5.  Place in fixer – 10–15 seconds
          and take care not to dislodge the endotracheal tube. A   6.  Review the film in 10 seconds
          mouth speculum is placed in the patient’s mouth to   7.  If the positioning and exposure are correct, place
          keep it open during the radiography procedures. It is   back in fixer for 10 minutes or until the procedure
          often placed on the canine teeth or is moved around to   is completed followed with a thorough rinse for
          facilitate various views of the dental arcade. There are   30–60 minutes.
          some dedicated dental positioning devices that can be
          used intraorally.                                  Dental automatic processors work similarly to regular
            Film identification is accomplished during or after   film processors (see Chapter 16). Follow the manufac-
          the film is exposed and developed. If a separate num-  turer’s directions for use and frequency of cleaning.
          bered radiograph log is kept to record dental radio-
          graphs, the same number can be placed on a sticky
          radiopaque label, which is then attached to a corner of  Patient Care and Clean‐up
          the film. A special mount on which patient information
          and date are written can be purchased to hold the film.   The assistant can help out immensely after the dental
          These are available from dental product suppliers. An   radiograph. First, take care of the anesthetized patient
          indelible marker can be used on the dry film.      recovering from anesthesia, extubate as soon as swallow-
            A technique chart just for the dental unit is used to set   ing reflex returns, check body temperature and apply
          exposures. The chart is set up based on the size of the   warming devices if necessary. Observe until sternal then
          animal and for each tooth to be radiographed.      return the patient to its housing. Then clean and put
                                                             away the PPE, endotracheal tube, positioning aids, and
                                                             gas anesthesia machine. Clean the radiography table
            Learning Exercise                                and re‐cover and store processing chemicals if using the
                                                             manual technique. Check and complete entries in the
            If you have access to skulls and dental film or   dental radiography log, patient’s record, and treatment
              sensors, practice positioning the skull and film   board. Finally, file all the dental radiographs according
            with the dental unit.                            to the clinic’s procedure.

                                                             Client Education
          Manual Developing of Dental
          Radiographs                                        Companion animals have become an important part of
                                                             our lives. Many people consider the pet a part of their
          Dental films are very easy to develop. Dental film consists   family. All members of the veterinary team must be
          of four layers. The outer layer consists of white plastic   excited and motivated about dental care and project that
          which protects the film from moisture. The second layer   enthusiasm to the client. As veterinary health profes-
          is the lead layer which is silver colored. The third layer is   sionals it is our job not only to promote dentistry, but to
          the paper layer which is the black layer. All of these layers   educate our clients about the importance of proper oral
          surround the film layer, which is gray.            health. It is necessary to communicate the importance of
            Dental films can be developed in a chairside dark-  dental treatment and oral care in many ways. It should
          room. The chairside darkroom contains four cups for   become as routine as vaccinations and heartworm test-
          rapid film developer, water, rapid fixer, and water, respec-  ing in your clinic. This education process starts with cli-
          tively. The cover for the darkroom is a dark red tinted   ents at the first puppy or kitten visit. Talk with them
          plastic box that allows the developer to see what they are   about the importance of oral care by expressing the fact
          doing without light exposing the film. There are arm-  that the mouth is a mirror to the body. Give handouts
          holes in the chairside darkroom that allows personnel to   explaining the relationship between oral disease and
          insert their hands into the side of the unit without allow-  systemic health. Use pictures to give the client an impres-
          ing light inside. Special clips should be used to hold the   sion of what can happen if oral home care is not given to
          film while developing to protect it from fingerprints.  their pet.
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