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Chapter 15  Dental Skills for the Veterinary Assistant  295

             Daily Dental Care                                  Oral Health Council (VOHC) has a seal that is placed on
                                                                products that have been rigorously tested and have been
             As with many diseases in pets, prevention is the key to   proven to prevent plaque or calculus accumulations.
             good oral health, and demonstrating daily tooth brush-  Products that have the VOHC seal of approval can be
             ing for the client is the first step in preventative care.   found at
             Tooth brushing is the gold standard of preventive dental
             care. It is important to not just tell a client to brush their   Dental Patient Discharge
             pet’s  teeth,  but  to  also  demonstrate  tooth  brushing   Instructions
             either on their pet, clinic pet, or a model. Demonstrate
             on one side of the mouth showing the client how to   Clients need detailed discharge instructions and the use
             brush the buccal and labial surfaces of the teeth then   of a dental report card is a great way to help the client
             observe the client brushing the other side. This allows   understand the treatment that was given to their animal.
             you an opportunity to make suggestions or give them   Include before and after photos and a simplified dental
             advice and tips.                                   chart on which problem areas can be marked or high-
               Training a pet to accept tooth brushing takes time
             and patience; it must be done gradually and with plenty   lighted. A section for diagnosis, treatment, home care,
                                                                prescriptions, and follow‐up visits should be included on
             of praise. It is best to start with a finger dabbed with pet   this report card. Keep it simple and use bright, cheerful
             toothpaste on it. Hold the pet’s mouth closed and gently   colors with clipart on the take home sheet.
             rub the finger over the incisors, canines, and along the
             molars. As the pet begins to accept the rubbing of the
             teeth over the course of a few weeks the owner can intro-
             duce the toothbrush. Daily brushing is best, especially   Learning Exercise
             during the training period. Be sure to tell the client that
             it is not necessary to brush the lingual or palatal surfaces   Practice client education with a classmate. Role
             of the teeth.                                         play with one being the client and the other
               Tooth brushing is the best option for providing quality     being the assistant.
             oral care, but some people are not willing or able to
             brush their pet’s teeth and some pets are not willing to
             allow their teeth to be brushed. There are options avail-
             able that can help in the prevention of plaque buildup
             and the prevention of oral disease. Dental diets are one
             of the most effective methods of plaque reduction. Good   Chapter Reflection
             quality chews are also an option. Care should be used   What are you most looking forward to when
             when recommending alternative methods of plaque pre-  working with a veterinary team on dental
             vention. There are many items that are advertised to pre-  procedures?
             vent plaque or remove tartar; unfortunately, many of
             these products can actually cause damage to the teeth.
             Real bones, hard rawhides, cow hooves, bully sticks, and
             so on, should not be used as they can cause dental   Suggested Reading
             fractures. A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t easily
             bend the item in your hands, it is too hard for your pet’s   Kesel ML. 2000. Veterinary Dentistry for the Small Animal Technician. Ames,
             teeth.                                                IA: Iowa State University Press.
               The pet’s jaw is not able to move from side to side like   The Why, When, and How of Small Animal Dental Radiology. http://www.
             ours so if it bites down on something that is too hard the
             only option is for the tooth to fracture. The Veterinary   (accessed July 8, 2019)
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