Page 308 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 308

292    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          •  Missing teeth are colored in solidly.           lagomorphs (rabbits) and rodents (guinea pigs, chin-
          •  Extracted teeth – if they were taken out by the   chillas, rats, mice, hamsters) is that lagomorphs have four
           veterinarian – are marked with an X over the tooth.  maxillary incisors – two anterior and two posterior. These
          •  Worn teeth are marked with a straight line at about   posterior incisors are commonly referred to as “peg teeth.”
           the level of wear.                                The  extra  incisors  of  lagomorphs  are  important  in
          •  Caries lesions are marked with a filled‐in circle on the   chewing. Rabbits chew in a side‐to‐side, scissors‐like
           surface of the tooth.                             fashion, with the two lower incisors cutting back and forth
          •  Enamel that is missing is drawn in to approximate the   between the peg teeth and larger, anterior upper incisors.
           missing area on the surface of the tooth.           Rodents have only two maxillary incisors. Another
                                                             important different between lagomorphs and most
                                                             rodents (the exceptions being guinea pigs and chin-
                                                             chillas) is that all the teeth grow continuously and must
            Learning Exercise                                be worn down by chewing or by professional dental treat-
                                                             ments. In rodents other than guinea pigs and chinchillas,
            Practice filling out charts, either with a study   only the incisors continue to erupt. Also, the incisor teeth
            buddy or by yourself. Print off dental charts and   of most rodents are normally a yellow–orange in color.
            look at a picture of teeth or a skull and imagine
            the lesion and sulcus depths.
                                                             Dental Formula for
                                                             Pocket Pets
          Basics of Pocket Pet Dentistry

                                                             Lagomorphs (rabbits) 2(I2/1:C0/0:PM3/2:M3/3)
          Pocket pet dentistry requires special equipment. There   Guinea pigs and chinchillas 2(I1/1:C0/0: PM1/1:M3/3)
          are specially designed dental instruments for pocket pets   Rat/mouse/hamster 2(I1/1:C0/0:PM0/0:M3/3).
          to allow access to the small, long, narrow mouths, assist
          in retracting cheek pouches, and to cut, file, and extract
          continuously erupting teeth. A useful set of instruments  Ferret Dentition
          would include the following:
                                                             Ferrets have similar dentition to felines. Because ferrets
          •  Rodent incisor luxator                          are carnivores, their dentition appears like the anatomy
          •  Rodent molar/premolar luxator                   we commonly see in cats. Their dental formula is
          •  Crossley rabbit luxator                         2(I3/3:C1/1:PM3/3:M1/2).
          •  Rodent molar/premolar extraction forceps
          •  Rodent mouth gag
          •  Pouch dilators                                  Hedgehog Dentition
          •  Molar/premolar rasp
          •  Rodent tongue depressor (or use regular wooden   As a member of the order Insectivora, the oral anatomy
           tongue depressor split in half lengthwise)        of hedgehogs is very different from other pocket pets.
          •  Low‐speed burs to use for crown height reduction  Anatomical characteristics of insectivores include small,
          •  High speed burs for use in incisor trimming and extraction  long, narrow snouts, and a primitive tooth structure. The
          •  Rodent molar/premolar cutters if no drill available  incisors are used as forceps for picking up small prey,
          •  Cotton tipped applicators to staunch blood flow from   and the canines often resemble incisors or first premo-
           extraction sites or absorb fluid from the mouth.  lars. Hedgehogs have 30–46 teeth. A complete oral
                                                             examination of hedgehogs requires anesthesia or
            Oral examination is difficult on an awake pocket pet.
          The small, long, narrow oral cavity of pocket pets make   chemical restraint because of their self‐protection
                                                             behavior of rolling into a tight ball when accosted.
          it very difficult to perform an oral examination, often
          only being able to examine the anterior portion of the
          mouth or front teeth. An otoscope may be useful to
          access the cheek teeth of awake rabbits, chinchillas, and   Learning Exercise
          guinea pigs. The canula can be directed back toward the
          teeth and no fingers get bitten in the process. It is best to   Make a pocket pet, ferret, and hedgehog section
          give them a light sedation or gas mask them to get a   in your reference book. Put in the dental formulas
          really good look and to fix any issues.              and perhaps a list of the dental instruments used
            Rabbits and rodents have similar dentition but with   on pocket pets.
          some differences. The main dental difference between
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