Page 313 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 313


             Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy

                              LEARNING OBJECTIVES
                              • Practice radiation safety at all times, using PPE and dosimeters
                              • Maintain a radiology log with every radiograph taken
                              • Assist with the labeling, positioning, and taking of a diagnostic
                              • Differentiate directional terms and abbreviations used in radiology
                              • Develop films using automatic processing
                              • Load and unload film from a cassette and cassette maintenance
                              • File patient films
                              • Maintain darkroom, automatic processor, and developing chemicals
                              • Prepare equipment and patient for ultrasonography
                              • Provide support for endoscopic procedures
                              • Properly clean and store endoscopic equipment

                              VIII.  Radiology and Ultrasound Imaging
                                   A.  Follow recommended safety measures
                                   B.  Assist the veterinarian and/or the veterinary technician in the
                                     completion of diagnostic radiographs and ultrasound including
                                     the restraint, preparation, and positioning of patients
                                   C.  Maintain quality control
                                   D.  Label, file, and store film and/or digital radiographs
                                   E.  Properly care for radiography equipment
                                   F.  Care and maintenance of film cassettes and screens (optional)
                                   G. Know safety techniques for handling processing chemicals
                                   H.  Assist in the processing of diagnostic radiographs using:

             Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Fourth Edition. Teresa F. Sonsthagen.
             © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
             Companion website:                                             297
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