Page 314 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 314

298    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                 1.  Manual dipping tank processing, or
                                 2.  Automatic processor, or
                                 3.  Digital processing
                              I.  Maintain X‐ray log

          Introduction to Diagnostic                         fairly expensive. The computed radiograph (CR)

          Imaging                                            system utilizes a reusable phosphor plate inside a cas-
                                                             sette that is sensitive to radiation but not to light. The
                                                             plates are positioned and imaged like the silver halide
          Diagnostic imaging covers a broad range of tests used to   cassettes, using the traditional radiography machine.
          help a veterinarian determine an illness or condition:   After exposure the plate is loaded into a laser scanner
          radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT),   which projects the digital image to a computer and
          magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron     resets the plate for the next image. The plates are
          emission tomography (PET) scans.                   more sensitive than film which allows for a slightly
            Radiology is the study of how radiographs are pro-  lower radiation dose, reducing radiation exposure to
          duced and used for diagnosing diseases or conditions   staff and patient.
          of the body. A radiograph is the “photographic” record   Both systems project digital images on a computer
          or image of a body part on film or in a digital format.   monitor in about 30–90 seconds. If the radiograph
          Radiograph  is  preferable  to  the  term  X‐ray;  however,   needs to be repeated because of movement or misalign-
          they are used interchangeably. Radiography is the act   ment it can be done immediately. The image can also
          of exposing a film to radiation and a radiographic study   be altered by increasing or decreasing the contrast and
          is a series of radiographs  consisting of two or more   gray scale on the computer, which is called windowing.
          views with or without contrast media. Contrast media is   These radiographs can be sent via the internet to a spe-
          used to show the presence of lesions or items that would   cialist, which is an example of telemedicine, rather
          normally not show up on a radiograph. A manual radio-  than sending them in the mail. The digital images are
          graph utilizes a silver halide film inside a cassette. It is   stored in the patient’s medical record using the prac-
          X‐ray and light sensitive and placed under a patient,   tice’s management software whereas traditional films
          exposed to radiation, and then developed using chemi-  are stored in a filing cabinet so they can be retrieved as
          cals to fix the image to the film.  Digital radiography   needed.
          utilizes radiation, but the image is digitalized and sent
          to a computer for viewing. More on this later in the
          chapter.                                           Advanced Imaging
            The specialized equipment used in radiography
          includes a view box which is a box with a light on the  Technologies
          inside and a white opaque surface on the outside. The
          manual radiograph is placed in front of the light source   In addition to radiography, there are advanced imaging
          which illuminates the film for clearer viewing. Cassettes   technologies that provide different visualizations of body
          hold film for manual radiographs or have sensors built   structures within a patient: diagnostic ultrasound, CT,
          in that capture the digital image. Calipers are used to   MRI, and PET scans. Ultrasonography produces sound
          measure the body part of a patient; those measurements   waves that interact with body tissues. The images pro-
          are then used to set the settings on the radiography   duced are echoes converted to electronic signals and
          machine.                                           processed by a computer. CT scans use X‐rays and yield
                                                             images along a single plane. MRI produces images along
                                                             three planes using strong magnetic and radio waves that
          Digital Radiography                                are converted to images by a computer. Both CT and
                                                             MRI can use intravenous gadolinium‐based  contrast
          Radiation is utilized to produce an image; however,   media that highlights specific structures. Each procedure
          instead of film the image is changed to a digital   requires anesthetizing or heavily tranquilizing the
          format. There are two types of digital systems used to   patient throughout as the patient must be absolutely still
          produce a digital radiograph. Digital radiography   for the duration of the procedure, which can be quite
          (DR) uses a detector that transforms radiation into an   lengthy. PET scans are rarely found in veterinary prac-
          electrical charge which is sent to a unit that processes   tices, primarily being used in teaching hospitals or
          the image. DR requires specialized equipment that is   research.
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