Page 319 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 16  Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy    303

             is a caliper (Figure 16.3). This instrument is an L‐shaped   be aware of them and know how to adjust them if
             ruler with a moveable bar that slides up and down the   necessary or possible.
             vertical axis of the L. The bar is slid up so the body part   The constants of setting up a technique chart are as follows:
             fits between it and horizontal axis of the L. The vertical   1.  Because of focal–film distance, a technique chart
             axis is marked in both centimeters and inches.        will be formulated for both tabletop and grid
             Centimeters are used to determine the settings used on   techniques. The grid is used when radiographs of
             the radiograph machine.                               body parts that are 10 cm or more are needed.
               Measuring a body part must be done in specific ways
             to ensure proper settings on the radiograph machine.   2.  Intensifying screens on the inside front and back of
                                                                   the cassettes convert the X‐rays to visible light to
             Place the calipers “around” the thickest portion of the   expose the film. The screens are rated high speed,
             body part to be radiographed. The moveable bar is     par speed, and slow speed. The high‐speed screens
             allowed to settle lightly around the part being measured.   reduce the exposure time. Slow‐speed screens
             For example, the veterinarian orders an AP and ML of   increase film detail, but blurring is more likely
             the right carpus on a dog. The patient is positioned in   because of patient movement. Usually, a practice
             sternal recumbency and the right carpus is measured   will have one type of screen and will formulate the
             with the caliper. The stationary part of the bar is beneath   technique chart based on the screens.
             (or posterior to) the joint, and the moveable bar rests   3.  Radiographic film is rated according to speed and
             lightly on top (or anterior to) of the joint. The caliper   matched to the type of screen. Fast film requires less
             reads 3 cm. Record that measurement under the “cm”    exposure time but lacks definition. Slower films
             area of the log and the direction AP in the “view” section   require greater exposure time and produce films
             of the same row. Measure the joint again but this time   with greater detail. The film–screen system is the
             the patient is in right lateral recumbency and the    combination of the values of the screen and film
             stationary bar is on the lateral side of the joint, and the   ratings. The film manufacturers provide tables for
             moveable bar rests on the medial surface of the joint.   their film–screen ratings.
             The reading is 5 cm because the carpus is usually wider
             than it is thick. Record this measurement and the     The goal of technique charts is to consistently obtain the
             direction as ML in the log.                        greatest detail at the highest speed. Select the chart that
               There is a temptation, as expertise develops, to “eye-  corresponds to the body part being radiographed. Charts
             ball” a patient rather than actually using the caliper. This   are set up in rows and columns. The first column lists the
             only results in poor quality films and more frequent   thickness in centimeters of the body part to be radio-
             retakes. Time is actually saved by taking a few moments   graphed. Once the thickness of the study site is located,
             to measure. When in doubt where to measure, always   move across the row to determine the kVp, mA, and
             measure the thickest portion of the area being X‐rayed   exposure time in seconds or milliampere seconds (mAs).
             with the animal in the position needed to get the correct   The mAs is the mA multiplied by the time in seconds (s).
             radiograph. Correct use of the caliper serves as one of   Based on the constants just discussed and the fact that
             the fundamentals leading to quality films and radiation   we have patients that weigh from less than l to over 100 lb,
             safety.                                            the following are recommended charts for a small animal
                                                                practice. There should be tabletop technique charts and
                                                                grid technique charts for each of the following areas:
               Learning Exercise                                   A.  Extremities and skull
                                                                   B.  Abdomen
               Practice taking measurements with the calipers      C.  Thorax
               on various body parts of a dog or cat.              D.  Avian and exotics – usually not grid shots.

                                                                While all this may seem confusing, just remember to use
                                                                the correct chart based on the measurement of the
             Setting Exposure Factors                           anatomy being radiographed.
             Using the Technique Charts
                                                                   Learning Exercise
             Technique charts are formulated settings for a specific
             radiography machine based on the thickness of the area   Look at your programs technique chart. Compare
             to be radiographed, on the type of equipment and tech-  the differences between a small and large animal
             niques being used, and anatomic differences. The      and the different settings for a bone/skull shot
             constants  of the system are predetermined  before the   and an abdomen/thorax shot.
             technique chart is created; therefore, the assistant should
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