Page 321 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 321
Chapter 16 Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy 305
FIGURE 16.5 Labeling and marking devices.
The goal for all radiographs is to maintain as normal can be pressed to take the exposure. Some machines will
an anatomic position as possible while preventing super- have a two‐step process to make the exposure, one to
imposition of extraneous tissues over the study site. This start the rotor and the second to trip the exposure. The
often requires the animal to be placed in often uncom- foot pedal enables someone who is restraining a patient
fortable positions. Knowing what is going be radiographed to make the exposure. As the exposure button is pressed
and how it is to be laid on the cassette is important not a red light will flash on the panel to indicate the emission
only for the diagnostic quality, but for the comfort of the of X‐rays. For patients not requiring manual restraint,
animal. Remember to use positioning aids such as sand- the radiologist can simply press the exposure button
bags, foam blocks and wedges, ropes, tape, and radi- while standing behind a clear lead shield.
opaque “V” trough if suggested by the reference. If the radiograph is digital the image should appear
After determining the proper positioning for the immediately on the computer screen. Check to make
patient, it is vital to have everything ready before posi- sure the image is the one ordered by the veterinarian
tioning the animal, so it will only have to be still for less and that it is of diagnostic quality.
than a second to get the radiograph. Before bringing a
patient into radiology, review the sections relevant to
positioning for the requested radiographs. Start data
entry in the X‐ray log, locate positioning aids, determine Learning Exercise
cassette sizes, prepare identification markers and PPE.
Bring the patient into radiology, measure and set the Using the label you prepared look up the
radiography machine. Maneuver the patient into posi- positioning information in the reference book for a
tion and take the radiograph by engaging the exposure VD/Lat Thorax. Describe what you find on how to
button. The exposure button can be on the console position a Miniature Dachshund.
panel or a foot pedal connected to the console. Either