Page 326 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 326

310    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant


          Oreta M. Samples, RVT, MPH, DHSc

                          LEARNING OBJECTIVES
                          • Identify parts of the endoscopic system
                          • Identify accessory equipment
                          • List the uses of an endoscope
                          • Describe the differences between a rigid, semi‐rigid, and flexible
                          • Gather the needed auxiliary equipment for various endoscopic
                          • Create a bin filled with materials needed to clean an endoscope
                          • Correctly clean an endoscope
                          • Safely transport and store an endoscope
                          • Restrain and position a patient during the preparation phase of
                          • Effectively assist during the preparation and clean‐up phases of an
                           endoscopic procedure

          Introduction to Endoscopy                          the suction and water valves, and are connected to the
                                                             umbilical cord, which attaches to the air pump, water
                                                             bottle for irrigation, and the light source. There may be
          The endoscope is used for diagnostics, but it is also used   an eyepiece through which the operator can look, or it
          for surgery and uses highly specialized equipment. It is   may be directly connected to a video screen where the
          included with this chapter because it is used for diag-  operator can view material directly at the end of the tip.
          nosis by visualizing body structures and can be used for   The tip narrows at the end of the insertion tube and
          surgical procedures if issues are found. Because patient   contains the light guide and image lens. The umbilical
          preparation requires heavy sedation or anesthesia and   cord attaches to the handpiece at one end and to various
          patient monitoring, refer to those sections in Chapter 14.   instruments at the distal end or tip. Most important, the
          In instances where entrance to a body cavity is through   light source is attached to the distal end of the umbilical
          the skin and musculature, the patient requires a surgical   cord. There are connectors for the air pump for insuffla-
          prep (see Chapter 14).                             tion channel for inflating hollow organs with air or gas
            An endoscope is an instrument that allows the veteri-  to increase the visibility of their surface, a connector for
          narian to have real‐time visualization within structures   a suction channel to remove the irrigation fluid, a con-
          and organs that would otherwise only be visualized indi-  nector for the water bottle for irrigation of tissues, and a
          rectly. As the name endoscope implies, the instrument   pressure compensation valve. The last few inches of the
          allows the user to see via the end of a complex bundle of   insertion tube are known as the “bending section” as this
          glass fibers that allows for the bending of light. These   is the portion that is controlled by deflection knobs to
          bundles are encased in an insertion tube of varying   bend up and down as well as right and left with remark-
          length and diameter based on the intended location of   able accuracy. This allows the operator to get 360°views
          the instrument’s use. The viewer can see through a lens   within the structures.
          to visualize what is at the other end of the insertion tube   Endoscopic findings are documented through video
          or on a video screen.
                                                             or still pictures (Figure 16.9). Minimally, this requires a
                                                             camera, light source, and printer. For more sophisti-
          Parts of an Endoscope                              cated endoscopic set‐ups there is a camera control unit,
                                                             video recorder, monitor, and keyboard for adding text to
          The handpiece is the large end with valves and knobs   the pictures.
          (Figure 16.8). The valves and knobs are manipulated by   All of the equipment is best stored together on a
          the operator to guide the deflection of the tip, control   wheeled  cart stored  out of  the way  of usual  hospital
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