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Chapter 16  Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy    313

             FIGURE 16.10  The endoscopy/special procedures room at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Note the cabinet for
             storage of endoscopes and accessory instruments and a videotape deck and television monitor conveniently located in the work area. Courtesy of
             David C. Twedt. From Tams, T. Small Animal Endoscopy, with permission from Mosby.

                  Table 16.1
               Common Endoscopic Procedures, Locations, and Position
               Procedure             Location                 Position
               Esophagogastroscopy   Esophagus and stomach    Left lateral recumbency
               Duodenojejunoscopy    Duodenum and jejunum     Left lateral recumbency
               Proctoscopy           Rectum                   Any position the endoscopist prefers
               Colonoscopy           Rectum and colon         Left lateral recumbency if using a flexible endoscope; right lateral
                                                              recumbency if using a rigid scope
               Thoracoscopy          Thoracic cavity          Dorsal, left, or right lateral recumbency; depends on procedure
               Laparoscopy           Abdominal cavity         Dorsal recumbency
               Rhinoscopy            Nasal passages           Sternal recumbency with head propped up on a large rolled towel
               Bronchoscopy          Larynx and bronchi       Same as above
               Cytoscopy             Urethra and urinary      Female: hind legs over the examination table and hips elevated
                                     bladder                  with a large rolled towel
                                                              Male: lateral recumbency
               Arthroscopy a         Joints                   Depends on the location of the joint; the joint must be uppermost
               a  Requires surgical prep.

             (unthinkable!) as the internal glass fibers are easily shat-  doing. Be vigilant and thorough in cleaning to avoid cross‐
             tered. This results in black areas in the field of vision when   contamination with the next patient.
             next the endoscope is utilized. No distractions should   Before a procedure begins, gather all materials that
             occur during endoscope cleaning; focus on what you are   will be needed for cleaning after the procedure is
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