Page 334 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 334

318    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          Person                                              Staphyl‐         Cluster        Staphylococcus
          English form  Meaning                  Example      Strepto‐         Chain          Streptococcus
          ‐ist         Person specializing in a disease  Oncologist  Malac‐    Soft           Osteomalacia
          ‐ician       Specialist/practitioner   Physician    Scler‐           Hard           Sclerosis
                                                              Dura‐            Hard           Durable
          Medical operations                                  Ton‐             Tension        Tonometer

          English form       Meaning            Example       Leva‐            Raise          Elevate
          ‐ectomy            Excision, removal by   Gastrectomy  Alg‐          Pain           Neuralgia
                             cutting                          Esthes‐          Sensation,     Hyperesthesia
          ‐otomy             Incision           Laparotomy                     perception,
          ‐plasty            Repair, reconstruction  Rhinoplasty               feeling
          ‐stomy             Making of an artificial   Colostomy  Cata‐        Down, negative  Catabolism
          ‐opsy              Examine            Biopsy       Time/space
          ‐tome              To cut             Microtome     English form        Meaning       Example
          ‐cente (vs. prefix cent‐   To puncture  Cystocentesis  Chron‐           Time          Chronology
          meaning 100)                                        Templo, tempo (vs.   Time         Template,
                                                              tempo‐ meaning temple)            temporary
          Communication                                       Brady‐              Slow          Bradycardia
          English form  Meaning            Example            Tachy‐              Fast, rapid   Tachycardia
          ‐gram         Recorded data      Electrocardiogram  Neo‐                New           Neonate
          ‐graph        Instrument used to   Electrocardiograph  Poie‐            To make, produce Hematopoiesis
                        record data                           Gene‐               Origin,       Genome
          Miscellaneous                                       Telo‐               End           Telophase
          English form         Meaning         Example
          ‐ology               The study of    Biology       Miscellaneous
          -rrhea, ‐rrhage      To flow, discharge  Dysmenorrhea  English form  Meaning       Example
          ‐zyme                Ferment         Enzyme         Col(l) (glutin‐)  Glue         Collagen, glutinous
          ‐coele, ‐cele (vs. coel‐   Denotes   Coelenterata sp.  Therap‐    Treatment        Therapy
          prefix meaning same is   relationship to a          Laparo‐       Flank, abdomen   Laparoscopy
          the suffix)          cavity
                                                              Febr‐         Fever            Afebrile
          Prefixes                                            Ly‐           Break down, loose  Lysis
          Characteristics                                    Color
          English form      Meaning        Example            English form    Meaning     Example
          Gnos‐             Know           Prognostic         Chrom‐, chromat‐  Colored   Chromatography
          Mal‐, cac‐, dys‐ (vs.   Bad      Malady, cacotrophy,   Rubri‐       Red         Rubrospinal
          dis‐ meaning to                  dysphagia          Erythr‐         Red         Erythrocyte
                                                              Lute‐, lut‐     Yellow      Corpus luteum
          Eu‐               Good, normal   Eukaryocyte
                                                              Xanth‐, flav‐   Yellow      Xanthophyll, riboflavin
          Pseud‐            False          Pseudocyesis
                                                              Chlor‐          Green       Chlorophyll
          Noci‐             Harmful,       Nociceptor         Cyan‐           Blue        Cyanosis
                                                              Leuk‐           White       Leukocyte
          Amic‐             To love,       Amicable
                            agreeable                         Alb‐            White       Albino
          Mit‐              Thread, small  Mitochondria       Glauc‐          Gray        Glaucoma
          Lith‐, calc‐ (vs. calc‐   Stone, bone, rock  Urolithiasis,   Melan‐, melano‐  Black, dark  Melanoma
          meaning heel)                    calcium            Luci‐           Clear       Radiolucent
          Nom‐              Name           Nomenclature       Hyal‐           Clear       Hyaline
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