Page 335 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Appendix  Suffixes, Prefixes, and Anatomic Terms (Roots)  319

             Relationships/directions                            Epi‐              Upon, addition   Epiglottis,
              English form      Meaning        Example                             to, after       epistaxis
              A‐, an‐           Negative, without,  Ametria, atrophy  En‐, endo‐ (n can change  In, on  Endoscopy,
                                absence                          to m, b, p, or ph)                endocarditis
              A‐, ad‐ (can become   Away from  Abnormal, abduct,   Eso‐            Inside          Esophagus
              af‐, vs. ef meaning              afferent          Re‐, retro‐ (o can   Behind, backward  Retrodeviation,
              away from), abs‐                                   change to a)                      retract
              Ad‐               Toward         Adduct, addiction
              Ant‐, anti‐       Oppose, prevent,   Antibiotic   Direction
                                inhibit                          English form        Meaning     Example
              Ante‐             Before         Antemortum        Cept‐               Receive, take  Intercept
              Ob‐ (b can change   Against, toward  Obturator,    Later‐ (vs. lat‐ meaning   Side  Lateral
              to c)                            occlude           carry or bear)
              Im‐               Not, negative  Impossible        Medi‐               Middle      Mediolateral
              Contra‐           Against        Contrary          Dorso‐              Back        Dorsum
              Com‐, con‐ (changes   With, together  Contraction,   Ventro‐           Below       Ventral
              to co‐ before vowels)            cooperate
                                                                 Post‐               After, behind  Postoperative
              Pan‐              All, universal  Panleukopenia
                                                                 Vert‐               Turn        Diverticulum
              Omni‐             All, universal  Omniverous
                                                                 Trop‐               Turn        Tropism
              Trans‐            Through        Transparent
                                                                 Levo‐               To the left  Levotorsion
              Amphi‐ (i can change  Both, doubly  Amphibious,
              to a), ambi‐ (ph                 ambidextrous      Sinistr‐            Left        Sinistrad
              changed to b)                                      Dextr‐              To the right,   Dextrocardia,
                                                                                     two         ambidextrous
              Sym‐, syn‐        Together, with  Symphysis,
                                                                Size, number
              Juxta‐            Near, close    Juxtaposition
              Para‐             Apart, beside,   Paranormal      English form       Meaning         Example
                                beyond                           Arith‐             Number          Logarithm
              Homo‐, hom‐       Same, alike    Homogenized       Nan‐               Dwarf           Nanotechnology
              Iso‐              Same           Isomer            Micr‐              Small           Microcyte
              Hetero‐           Different, other  Heterogeneous  Mega‐, megal‐ (can   Large, great,   Megalothymus,
              Ultra‐            High, beyond   Ultraviolet       also be a suffix)  attached to     splenomegaly
              Meta‐             After, beyond,   Metastasis      Semi‐              Half            Semiconscious
                                accompanying                     Hol‐               Whole           Hologram
              Epi‐              Above, on top  Epidermis         Brachy‐            Short           Brachycephalic
              Super‐, supra‐    Above, beyond,   Supernatant     Doli‐              Long            Doliocephalic
                                                                 Olig‐              Few, small      Oligouria
              Hyper‐            Above, beyond,   Hypermotility   Poly‐              Many            Polydactyl
                                                                 Multi‐             Many, much      Multitude
              Sub‐ (b can change to  Beneath, below  Sublingual,
              f or p)                          suppository       Uni‐               One             Uniform
              Hypo‐             Below,         Hypothermia       Mon‐               Only, sole      Monochromatic
                                underneath                       Di‐ (vs. dia‐ meaning   Two, twice  Dimorphic,
                                                                 through, apart), bi‐               bisexual
              In‐ (n can change to   Negative, beneath  Invalid
              l, m, r)                                           Tri‐               Three           Triplets
              Infra‐            Beneath        Infraorbital      Quad‐, quadra, tetra‐  Four        Quadrangle,
              Inter‐            Between, among  Interstitial
              Peri‐             Around         Perinatal         Pent‐ (vs. pen‐    Five            Pentapeptide,
                                                                 meaning lack or need,              quintuplets
              Circum‐           Around         Circumcise        pet‐ meaning seek,
              Ec‐, ect‐, ex‐ (c can   Out, outside, away  Ectoderm, excrete  toward, and pex‐
              change to x)      from                             meaning fix or make
              Extra‐            Outside, beyond  Extracellular   fast), quin‐, qui‐
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