Page 340 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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324   Glossary

          Autolysis  Destruction of cells or tissues by their own enzymes  antiseptic or disinfectant for both inanimate objects and living
          Autonomous nervous system (ANS)  Nervous system division   tissue
          that responds in times of stress                   Chlorine  Common substance used in cleaning and disinfect-
          Axillary  Armpit or space between the underarm and chest   ing solutions
          wall                                               Chloroxylenol  Common  antiseptic  solution,  a  chlorine
          Bactericidal  Chemical substance that destroys bacteria  derivative
          Bacteriostatic  Substance that inhibits growth of bacteria  Chromosome  Thread‐like structure of nucleic acid that
                                                             carries the genetic information in the form of genes
          Basic energy requirement (BER)  The amount of energy from
          foods required to sustain life or body functions   Chronic heart failure (CHF)  When the heart does not pump
                                                             well enough to distribute blood around the body, a progressive
          Beats per minute (bpm)  The number of times the heart con-  state of failure
          tracts and relaxes in one minute
                                                             Chronic renal failure  Ongoing progressive failure of the kid-
          Bight  A sharp bend in the rope
                                                             neys to properly filter the blood
          Body conditioning score (BCS)  A subjective evaluation of the   Chucks  Absorbent pads to protect against moisture
          body in regards to muscle to fat ratio
                                                             Cladistics  Method of classifying animals and plants according
          Borborygmi  Rumbling or gurgling noise made by the passage   to the proportion of measurable characteristics they have in
          of fluid and gas in the intestines                 common
          Brachycephalic  Foreshortening of the upper jaw creating a   Clinical pathology  A division within pathology concerned
          flat face                                          with the evaluation of body fluids and tissues, includes urine,
          Bradycardia  Slower than normal heart rate         serum, plasma, and tissues
          Break‐through pain  Severe pain that occurs in spite of being   Coenzyme  Non‐protein compound that is necessary for the
          on pain medications                                function of an enzyme
          Bright, alert, and responsive (BAR)  A subjective evaluation of   Colon  Large intestine
          the mental condition of a dog or cat               Commissure  The corner of the mouth where the upper and
          Bronchiole  Branch of the bronchus in the lungs    lower lips meet
          Buccal  Refers to the inside of the cheek, a directional term   Congenital  Existing abnormalities at birth, acquired during
          for toward the lips                                development inside the uterus
          Calculus  The hardened form of plaque caused by precipita-  Connective tissue  Category of tissues that includes bones, lig-
          tion of minerals from saliva and gingival crevicular fluid  aments, tendons, and fat
          Calorie  A unit of energy defined as the heat required to raise   Conscious proprioception  Sense of body position, knowing
          one kilogram of water one degree                   where the appendages are
          Capillaries  The plural form of capillary, tiny blood vessels   Contact time  The amount of time required for a disinfectant
          that are one cell in thickness and are the terminal ends of arte-  or antiseptic to destroy pathogens on a surface
          rioles; item with wicking action that will lift fluids into it, i.e.,   Contaminant  Organism or debris that can potentially cause
          “capillary tube”                                   an infection
          Cardiac output  The amount of blood pumped by the heart   Contraindication  A condition or symptom that renders a
          per minute                                         treatment to be inadvisable
          Carnivore  An animal that feeds on flesh           Contrast media  Mediums used to improve radiographic con-
          Catalyst  A substance that increases the rate of a chemical   trast often used to distinguish normal from abnormal organs
          reaction without undergoing any permanent chemical change  Controlled drug  Prescription drug with the potential for
          Caudal  Refers to moving toward the tail from a current loca-  addiction or abuse, also referred to as controlled substance
          tion or being a tail                               (CS), regulated by DEA
          Cecum  A pouch connected to the junction of the small and   Coplin jar  Wide‐mouth glass or plastic jars with vertically
          large intestine                                    grooved interior walls, used for staining or storage of micro-
          Cemento‐enamel junction (CEJ)  The anatomic border where   scope slides
          the enamel and the cementum meet on a tooth        Coronal  Directional term meaning toward the crown of a tooth
          Cementum  A specialized calcified substance covering the   Costochondral junction  Where a rib and the costal cartilage join
          root of a tooth                                    Cranial  Refers to moving toward the skull from the current
          Central nervous system (CNS)  Brain and spinal cord  location or relating to the skull
          Cesarean section  Surgical operation for delivering offspring   Crepuscular  Animal that is active during twilight
          via an incision into the abdomen and uterus        Crown  The uppermost part of the tooth, covered by enamel
          Chattel  Tangible and mobile personal property     Cud  Solid portion of chewed food that is burped up for
          Chlorhexidine  Antibacterial compound that is available in   further chewing
          three forms: hydrochloride, gluconate, or acetate, used as an   Cushing’s  See Hyperadrenocorticism
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