Page 341 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Glossary   325

             Cyanotic  Bluish or grayish color of the skin and mucous   DUDE normal  Acronym for defecating, urinating, drinking,
             membranes                                          and eating normally
             Cystitis  An infection of the urinary bladder      Duodenum  First part of the small intestine
             Cystocentesis  Insertion of a needle and syringe through the   Dysplasia  Poorly developed or abnormally growing structure
             wall of the abdomen and urinary bladder in order to collect a   Dystocia  Difficult or slow delivery of offspring
             sterile urine sample
                                                                Ecological niche  How an organism or population responds to
             Cytology  Study of cells                           the distribution of resources and competitors
             Debrided  Removal of damaged or dead tissue from a wound  Ectoparasite  External parasite living on the surface of the
             Deciduous tooth  A young or “baby” tooth that is shed as the   host’s body
             animal matures                                     Electrocardiogram (ECG)  Graphic record or tracing pro-
             Decubitus ulcer  Bedsore or ulcer formed from local interfer-  duced by an electrocardiograph
             ence with circulation; pressure sores occurring over a bony   Electrocardiograph  Any instrument that records changes of
             prominence such as a hip or elbow                  the electric potential during heartbeats, used to diagnose heart
             Defecation  The act of expelling feces from the anus  disease
             Degenerative myopathy  Condition or disorder that causes   Enamel  Thin outer covering of the crown of the tooth, hard-
             weakness in the affected muscles                   est substance in the body
             Dehydrated  Significant loss of body fluid         Encephalomyelitis  Literally means an inflammation of the
             Dehydration  A condition of being dehydrated from loss of fluid  brain and spinal cord
             Dentin  Material that makes up the bulk of a tooth’s structure  End  The end of a rope that can be freely moved and be
                                                                manipulated to tie a knot or hitch
             Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)  The carrier of genetic
             information, the main constituent of chromosomes   Endocarditis  Inflammation of the inside layer of the heart
             Dermatitis  Inflammation of the skin               Endoparasite  A parasite that inhabits the internal organs and
                                                                tissues of a host
             Dermis  Vascular layer of skin
                                                                Endoscope  Fiber optic instrument used for examination of
             Devitalized  Weaken or dying
                                                                areas of the body not easily seen or accessed. There are three
             Diabetes mellitus  A disease of having too much sugar in the   main types of endoscopes: flexible, semi‐rigid, and rigid
             blood, caused by a malfunction of the pancreas
                                                                Endoscopy  Visual examination of the interior structures of
             Diarrhea  Abnormally watery stool                  the body with an endoscope
             Diastolic  The pressure in the arteries when the heart rests   Endosteum  Vascular lining of the inner cavity of a bone
             between beats
                                                                Enervate  To cut or drain of energy, used to describe cutting a
             Dichocephalic  Very long head shape, i.e., greyhound  nerve
             Dilated cardiomyopathy  Enlargement of the heart   Enzyme  A substance produced by glands to act as a catalyst to
             Dipping  The application of a medicine to treat skin infec-  bring about a biochemical reaction
             tions or parasites                                 Epidermis  Outermost layer of skin
             Disinfectant  Chemical agent that destroys infectious organisms  Epithelial  Tissues that comprise the linings and coverings of
             Disinfection  Reducing the spread of growth of microorgan-  the body and its organs
             isms on inanimate objects                          Ethics  Rules  or principles  that govern  right  conduct;  the
             Distal  Locations on appendages that are far from the point of   values and guidelines that govern veterinary practice
             attachment or origin                               Ethylene oxide  Gas fumigant used for sterilizing or disinfect-
             Distemper  Viral disease leading to seizures and tremors  ing agent of surgical equipment, has a broad spectrum of
             Dolichocephalic  A relatively long skull           activity
             Dominant gene  The effect of one allele of one gene masking   Euthanasia  A painless death or killing of a patient with an
             the contribution of the second allele              incurable disease or condition
             Dorsal  Relating to an animal upper surface, moving toward   Fascia  The outer covering of muscles that cover or bundle
             or on the back                                     them
             Double haircoat  A hair coat consisting of two layers, a dense,   Fat‐soluble vitamin  A, D, E, and K are vitamins stored in the
             thick layer of hair called an undercoat, with long guard hairs   adipose tissues in the body
             growing through and protruding above the undercoat  Feces  Waste product of food; all living beings expel digested
             Dram  Unit of apothecary weight used commonly in pharma-  wastes
             cology that is equal to an eighth of an ounce or 60 grains  Fenestration  A square, rectangular, or round opening, in this
             Drug Enforcement Agency  (DEA)  US  government agency   case on a surgical drape
             responsible for enforcing controlled substance laws, specific   Feral  Untamed, term is often used in reference to an animal
             rules for ordering, storing, and dispensing medications  having escaped from domesticity and running wild
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