Page 342 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 342

326   Glossary

          Fight and flight response  Physiologic reaction in response to   Homozygous  Two identical alleles of a particular gene or genes
          perceived or actual threat, if patient cannot flee it will fight for   Horizontal ear canal  A portion of the dog and cat ear canal
          survival                                           just in front of the tympanic membrane
          Flocking instinct  A group survival technique of one following   Hot spot  Common name for pyotraumatic dermatitis,
          the one in front, makes it harder for predators to select an   patches of inflamed, painful, moist skin with a secondary bacte-
          individual                                         rial infection
          Fomite  Inanimate object capable of transmitting microor-  Human–animal  bond  The  emotional  bond  that  exists  bet-
          ganisms that can cause disease                     ween humans and their animals
          Formaldehyde  Chemical that is used as a preservative agent   Hydrogen peroxide  Mild antiseptic and bleaching agent
          for tissues
                                                             Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s)  Excessive production of
          Fungicidal  An chemical compound that destroys parasitic   adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary gland
          fungi and their spores
                                                             Hypertension  Abnormally high blood pressure
          Furcation  Where the roots of the teeth join
                                                             Hyperthermia  Abnormally high body temperature
          Gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV)  Dilation, expansion,
          and twisting of the stomach, also known as bloat   Hyperthyroidism  Excessive functioning of the thyroid gland,
                                                             results in increased metabolism, heart rate, and high blood
          Gastric dilatation  Dilation and expansion of the stomach  pressure
          Gastritis  Inflammation of the stomach             Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  Heart walls enlarge or
          Gastroscopy  Inspection of the interior of the stomach with a   increase in bulk
          gastroscope                                        Hypoadrenocorticism  (Addison’s)  Insufficient  adrenocor-
          Genotype  Genetic makeup of an individual          tical secretion, results in weakness, weight loss, low blood
          Gestation  The time from conception to delivery of offspring  pressure, and gastrointestinal disturbances
          Gingiva  Gum tissue in the mouth                   Hypodermis  Beneath the dermis
          Gingival  Concerns the gum tissue, directional term toward   Hypotension  Abnormally low blood pressure
          the gingiva                                        Hypothyroidism  Deficient thyroid activity, low metabolic rate
          Glutaraldehyde  A disinfectant used in aqueous solution for   Hypovolemia  Decreased volume of circulating blood
          sterilization of non‐heat‐resistant equipment      Hypoxemia  Low level of oxygen in the blood
          Gonads  Gender neutral term for sex organs         Iatrogenic injury  Condition not necessarily caused by med-
          Gravid  Pregnant, carrying eggs or young           ical personnel, treatment, or procedure
          Gross contaminant  Contamination visible to the naked eye  Idiopathic  Disease or condition that arises spontaneously for
          Guard hair  The long hair that protects the animal from rain   unknown reason
          and snow                                           Ileum  Distal portion of the small intestine
          Heart murmur  Atypical sound of the heart usually indicating   Ileus  Painful distension of the abdomen, failure of peristalsis
          a malfunction or structural defect                 resulting in the inability of the intestine to contract normally
          Heaves  Asthma or emphysema in horses              Inanimate  Not alive or have power of motion
          Hematology  Study of the physiology of blood       Incontinence  The inability to hold urine or feces
          Hematoma  Unclotted mass of blood from a damaged blood   Induced ovulator  Copulation has to take place in order for
          vessel under the skin                              ovulation to occur
          Hemoglobin  Protein responsible for transporting oxygen  Inflammation  The body’s way of protecting itself from infec-
          Hemolyzed  Damaged  red  blood  cells  that  have  released   tion, illness, or injury; symptoms include swelling, redness, and
          hemoglobin                                         heat
          Hemorrhage  Bleeding or abnormal flow of blood     Inguinal  The groin or in the area of the inguinal rings
          Heparinized saline  A mixture of heparin, an anticoagulant,   Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)  Sets
          and normal saline used to prevent clotting of IV catheters  policies and procedures for the care and treatment of animals
                                                             at research or educational institutions
          Hepatic lipidosis  Accumulation of fat in the liver and hyper-
          tryglyceridemia  that  may  develop  in  persistently  anorexic   Insufflation  Blow an agent into the nose, i.e., oxygen
          obese cats                                         Integument  The skin, hair, and nails
          Herbivore  Animal that feeds on plants             Interproximal  Directional term meaning between teeth
          Heterozygous  Two different alleles of a particular gene or genes  Intramuscular (IM)  Administration of substance into a muscle
          Hip dysplasia  Poorly formed hips                  Intravenous (IV)  Administration of a substance into a vein
          Histology  The study of body tissues               Intubation  The placement of a tube into the trachea to main-
          Hitch  The  intertwining  of loops  arranged  so  the standing   tain an open airway or to act as a conduit for medication
          part pushes against the end, securing the rope to an animal or   Intussusception  The slippage of a section of intestine within
          object                                             an adjacent portion of intestine, similar to a “spy glass”
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