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             Page locators in bold indicate tables. Page locators in italics indicate figures. This index uses letter‐by‐letter alphabetization.

             AAFCO see Association of American Feed Control Officials  nervous system  86–88, 86–87
             AAHA see American Animal Hospital Association        reproductive system  85–86, 85, 86
             AAVSB see American Association of Veterinary State Boards  respiratory system  81, 81
             abdominal palpation, restraint of animals  135, 135  terms  74
             accounts receivable  45                              skeletal system  75–78, 76–77
             acetaminophen  245                                   urinary system  84–85, 84
             acute renal failure  84                             ancillary instrument packaging  267–268, 268
             ACVRA see American Committee of Veterinary Radiologists and   anesthesia
                Anatomists                                        maintaining and operating gas anethesia machine  255–256, 255–257
             adequacy statement  114–115                          dental skills  289
             adherent bandage material  211, 211                  surgery skills and maintaining an aseptic environment  270–271,
             adhesive tape  211, 212                                272, 277, 277, 280
             adipose tissue  89                                  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)  22, 23
             admitting patients  39                              Animal Welfare Act (AWA)  22–23
             adrenal glands  88                                  annoyed behavior  126–127, 127, 128
             aerobic organisms  53                               anorexia  114, 118
             age approximation  285                              ANS see autonomic nervous system
             aggressive behaviour  124–127, 125, 126             anthroponosis  51
             Ain’t Doing Right (ADR)  174                        antibiotic sensitivity testing  238, 240
             air‐driven dental units  288–289                    anticoagulants  229
             AKC see American Kennel Club                        antiseptics  54–55, 195
             ALARA guideline  299                                anxiety  169–171, 185
             alert behavior  145, 145                            APHIS see Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
             alkalis  54–55                                      appendicular skeleton  75–76, 76
             American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)  23, 26, 302  appointment scheduling  35–37, 35
             American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB)  2, 22, 23  Approved Veterinary Assistant (AVA)  3
             American Committee of Veterinary Radiologists and Anatomists   areolar connective tissue  89
                (ACVRA)  301–302                                 arrhythmias  81
             American Kennel Club (AKC)  96                      arrivals  38–39
             American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)  2, 3, 13, 22, 23, 26  arteries  80
             amoxicillin  245–246, 249                           arthritis  78
             ampicillin  245–246, 249                            aseptic environment  270–279
             anaerobic organisms  53                              peri‐surgical phase  274–277, 276–277
             anal glands  192–193, 193                            post‐surgical emergencies  279
             anatomical numbering system  289, 290–291, 291       post‐surgical phase  278–279, 278
             anatomy and physiology  73–89                        pre‐surgical phase  270–274, 270–275, 274
               body systems  75                                  aspiration  118, 278
               cardiovascular system  78–81, 80                  Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO)  113–115
               concepts and definitions  73–75                   asthma  81
               dental skills  283–284, 284                       astringent  197
               digestive system  82–84, 83, 83                   ataxia  88
               endocrine system  88–89                           atrial fibrillation  81
               epithelial cells  75, 75                          auscultation  176–177, 176
               immune system  81–82                              autoclaves
               integumentary system  88–89, 88                    ancillary instrument packaging  267–268, 268
               muscular system  78, 79                            autoclave operation and indicator strips  258, 268–269, 269

             Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Fourth Edition. Teresa F. Sonsthagen.
             © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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