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336 Index
gram stain 218–219, 238–239 post mortem protocols 186
grief process 14, 186 quarantine 173–174
grooming recumbent patient care 171–172
bathing and dipping 181–182, 181 socialization and exercise 170
clipping hair or fur 179–180, 180 surgical patients 171, 172
combing and brushing 179 treatment plan protocols 175–179, 175–179
hospitalized patients 179–182 treatments and procedures 174–179
identifying ectoparasites 180–181, 180–181 understanding the disease process 174–175
groove directors 262 veterinary hospice care 184–185
Guaranteed Analysis 113 vital signs 175–178
guinea pigs 105, 107, 143 water and food consumption/elimination 168–169
weight and BCS 178
hair clippers 62–65, 62–66 hospital laundry 61–62
half hitch 163–164, 163–164 hot spots 89
halters, ropes, leashes, and harnesses 70, 71, 147, 147 hound group 96–97, 98
see also knots and ropes human–animal bond 13
halter tie 157–158, 157–158 hurdles 145
hamsters 105, 106, 143 hydration
handling shipments 48 feeds and feeding 112, 119
handwashing 28–29 hospitalized patients 168–169
hanking 156, 156–157 intravenous fluid administration 208–210
Hazard Communication Coordinator (HCC) 26–27 subcutaneous fluid administration 206–207, 207
hazardous waste 55–57, 56 surgical room skills 278
HCC see Hazard Communication Coordinator hydrogen peroxide 54, 55
head types 285 hyperadrenocorticism 88
health and safety see workplace safety hyperthyroidism 88
heart 78–81, 80 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 81
heart rate 175–177, 176 hypoadrenocorticism 88
hedgehogs 292 hypodermic needles 202–203, 203
hematocrit see packed cell volume hypodermis 88–89
hematomas 196 hypotension 279
heparinized saline 210 hypothyroidism 88
hepatic lipidosis 118 hypoxemia 279
herbivore 112 hysterectomy 19
herding group 96, 97
heterozygosity 94–95 IACUC see Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
histology 75 iatrogenic injury 134
hitches 157, 163–165, 163–164 IBD see irritable bowel disease
homozygosity 94–95 idiopathic 84
honesty 6 ileus 84
hookworms 227, 228 immune system 81–82
horses incision site dehiscence 279
oral medications 199 incontinence 84, 166, 172
restraint of animals 144–151, 144, 145, 147–149 independent working 5–6
hospice care 184–185 infections
hospitalized patients 167–187 cleaning for disease control 51–55
boarding 170–171, 171 clinical techniques 197
cleaning for disease control 57–60, 58, 59 direct/indirect transmission 51
collection of fecal and urine samples 182–183, 183 secondary 52
concepts and definitions 168 surgical room skills 275
constipated patients/enemas 172–173, 173 infusion pumps 208, 209
contagious patients 173 inguinal lymph node 82
discharging patients 184 injections
environmental considerations 169 clinical techniques 205–208
euthanasia 184–186 intramuscular injections 207–208, 207
feeds and feeding 117–119 intranasal infusion 208, 208
housing requirements/kennel set‐up 168 proper technique to hold a syringe 205, 205
in‐hospital grooming 179–182, 180–181 subcutaneous fluid administration 206–207, 207
medical records 174 subcutaneous injections 206, 206
pain evaluation and monitoring 183–184 inoculation of media 239–240, 240
patient care based on reason for being there 170–176 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) 23
pocket pets and birds 174 instrument packs 258–264, 259–262, 262–264