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332   Index

          autoclaves (cont’d)                                  dog breeds  96–101, 96–101
           cleaning for disease control  67, 67                pocket pets  104–107, 104–108
           dental skills  287                                Bright, Alert and Responsive  174
           folding a cloth drape  265–267, 267–268           business managers  3
           folding and wrapping a gown for autoclaving  264–265, 264–265
           instrument packs  258–264, 259–262, 262–264       calculus  289
          autoclave tape  258, 264, 264                      calipers  295, 300, 301, 302–303
          autoimmune conditions  82                          calorie requirements  112, 115–119
          automatic dosing syringes  71, 71, 202, 202        cannulas  66, 66
          automatic processors                               capillary refill time (CRT)  177–178
           developing radiographic film  306, 306            capnography  271, 273
           processor maintenance  68–69, 308–309             caps  273–274, 275
          autonomic nervous system (ANS)  78, 87             capture poles  139, 140
          AVA see Approved Veterinary Assistant              carbohydrates  112
          AVMA see American Veterinary Medical Association   cardiac arrest  279
          AWA see Animal Welfare Act                         cardiac arrhythmia  279
          axial skeleton  76, 77                             cardiac muscle  78
                                                             cardiovascular system  78–81, 80
          bandaging see wound care and bandaging             carnivore  112
          basic energy requirements (BER)  115–119           carriers  127, 130, 131–132, 132
          bathing animals  172, 181–182, 181                 cat breeds  101–103, 102–103
          BCS see body conditioning score                    Cat Fanciers Association  96
          beef cattle see livestock and poultry              catheterization  206, 208–210, 208–209, 236
          benzalkonium chloride  54                          CBC see complete blood count
          BER see basic energy requirements                  CNS see central nervous system
          binocular microscopes  220–221, 220                cecums  112
          biologic hazards  56, 69, 234                      Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)  22
          birds                                              central nervous system (CNS)  87–88, 87
           clipping birds’ wings  191–192, 192               centrifuges
           hospitalized patients  169, 174                     blood collection and handling  233, 233
           oral medications  199                               cleaning for disease control  69, 70
           restraint of animals  123, 123, 143–144             equipment maintenance  221–222
          bladder  78, 84                                      parasitology  226–227
          bleach  54, 59, 62                                   urine collection and urinalysis  237, 237
          blood collection and handling  229–240             certificates  43–44
           antibiotic sensitivity testing  240               cervical vertebrae  76, 77, 78
           blood chemistry and electrolyte determinations  234–235  cesarean section  86
           cleaning blood analyzers/blood chemistry machines  69, 69  charting the oral examination  289–292
           collection of plasma and serum  229–230             anatomical numbering system  290–291, 291
           complete blood count  230–234                       charting symbols  291–292
           equipment set‐up  229–230, 229                      Triadan numbering system  289–290, 290
           packed cell volume  232–234, 233–234              chemical hazards  56
           plasma protein  234                               chemical test strip containers  237, 237
           preparing the blood smear  231–232, 231–232       CHF see chronic heart failure
           restraint of animals for blood sample  229        chinchilla breeds  105–106, 108
           sample collection/handling  230–234, 238–240      chlorhexidine  274
           serologic test kits  234                          chloroxylenol  55
           staining protocol  219                            chronic heart failure (CHF)  81
           urine collection and urinalysis  235–238, 236–237  chronic renal failure  84
          blood pressure cuffs  271, 274                     chronological order format  42
          boarding  170–171, 171                             cladistics  91–92, 92, 93
          body conditioning score (BCS)  178, 178            classification systems  91–110
          body language                                        breeds of animals  96–106
           professional conduct and foundation skills  10, 11  cat breeds  101–103, 102–103
           restraint of animals  124–127, 125–129, 145–146, 145  cladistics  91–92, 92, 93
          body systems  75                                     dog breeds  96–101, 96–101
          borborygmi  177                                      genetics  94–95, 94–95
          bowline  160–161, 161                                phenotypes  92, 94
          bowline on a bight  161–162, 161–162                 pocket pets  104–107, 104–108
          brain  77,  86, 87                                   scientific classification of animals  91–94, 92, 93, 93
          breeds of animals                                    sex determination  107–109, 109–110
           cat breeds  101–103, 102–103                        signalment terms for males, females, and offspring  93
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