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Index   335

               diagnostic imaging and endoscopy  301, 307–308   female reproductive tract  85–86, 85
               endotracheal tubes  254                          feral domestic animals  173–174
               gas anesthesia machine  255–256, 255–257         ferrets
               hair clippers  62–65, 62–66                        breeds  104, 104
               halters, ropes, leashes, and harnesses  70, 71     dentition  292
               kennels  57–60                                     restraint of animals  122, 127, 131–132, 143
               laryngoscopes  254                               fetus  85
               laundry  61–62                                   field of vision  123–124, 124, 144
               microscopes  69, 70, 220–221                     fight/flight response  124, 124–126
               mobile veterinary units  70–71                   filing systems  41–42, 41, 307
               otoscope  66, 66                                 fleas  180, 180, 223, 223
               prep sink  253–254                               flexibility  4–5
               radiograph processors  68–69, 68                 flies  224
               refractometers  222, 222                         fluids  206–207, 207, 208–210, 208–209
               sharpening hand instruments  287                 flukes  227, 228
               stain sets  218–219                              fluorescein strips  200, 201
               surgical instruments  256–257, 257–258           FLUTD see feline lower urinary tract disease
               surgical table/tray  252–253, 252–253            folding a cloth drape  265–267, 267–268
               toenail clippers  65–66, 66                      folding and wrapping a gown for autoclaving  264–265,
               vacuums  66–67                                       264–265
             essential nutrients  112                           following directions  5–6
             estimating  16                                     follow‐up calls  45
             ethics  13                                         fomites  225
             ethyl alcohol  55                                  Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
             euthanasia  184–186                                  feeds and feeding  113–115
             exercise  170                                        laws, regulations, policies, and standards  22
             expressing anal glands  192–193, 193                 pharmacy skills  244, 246–247
             eye examination  134–135, 135                      Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD)  22, 23
                                                                foot/hoof inspection  148–149, 149
             facility logs  44, 44                              footwear  30, 30
             facility maintenance  60–62                        forage  119–120
             FARAD see Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank   force feeding  118
             fats  113                                          forceps  259–261, 286, 287
             FDA see Food and Drug Administration               formaldehyde  54–55
             fear-free techniques  122, 123–124, 126, 129–131, 129–130  friendly behavior  124, 125
             fearful behavior  123, 125–127, 125, 128           front office skills  34–37
             fecal float technique  226                           handling non‐client calls  37
             fecal loop  225–226, 226                             scheduling appointments  35–37, 35
             fecal matting  171–172                               telephone skills  34, 36–37
             fecal samples  182–183, 183
             feeds and feeding  111–120                         gallbladder  83–84, 83
               adequacy statement  114–115                      gas anesthesia machine  255–256, 255–257, 277, 277
               application of basic nutrition  115–116          gas sterilization  269, 314
               calorie requirements  115–119                    gastric dilation volvulus (GDV)  84
               concepts and definitions  112                    gastric tubes  199, 199
               dry matter basis  115, 115                       gastritis  84
               essential nutrients  112–113, 114                gauntlets  142–143, 143
               feeding guidelines  115                          gauze  211, 212
               hospitalized patients  117–119, 168–169, 172     gauze sponges  263, 274, 275
               how much to feed  116–117, 116                   GDV see gastric dilation volvulus
               learning to read labels  113, 116, 117           genetics  94–95, 94–95
               list of ingredients  114                         genotypes  94
               livestock and poultry  119–120                   gerbils  104–105, 106, 143
               pocket pets  120                                 gestation period  86, 86
               prescription diets  117, 117                     gloves  27–29, 29
               surgical room skills  278                          cleaning for disease control  53
               understanding pet food labels  113                 diagnostic imaging and endoscopy  300, 300
               water availability and consumption  112, 119       restraint of animals  142–143, 143
             feline leukemia virus (FeLV)  51                   glutaraldehyde  55
             feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)  84     goats see livestock and poultry
             feline restraint bags  70, 71, 142, 142            goggles  29, 29
             FeLV see feline leukemia virus                     gowns  264–265, 264–265
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